New Version

Started by fred, July 28, 2009, 05:01:13 PM

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V 0.52

(Add) French by
(Add) Snooze GPU in the taskbar.
(Add) Transfers: project backoff.
(Add) Color dialog: Tab view: Grid color, Text font color, Bar (outline) color.
(Changed) Removed (obsolete) menu autostart.
(Changed) Removed (obsolete) computer icons from the toolbar computer.
(Changed) Selection: Shift click will only set the last selection marker when nothing is selected yet. The selecting is everything from the last selection marker, to and including the shift click point.
(Fixed) All views: It's no longer possible to close the view, except by using exit.
(Fixed) Selection: Problems with shift click. (clear the unused strings and last selection marker, when the selection is no longer valid).
(Fixed) Projects: Shift + click is not working properly.


V 0.53:

(Add) - Logging: The enable debug mode now reads the file log.xml, in folder PROGRAM directory /log, for options what to show in the log.
(Add) - Logging: Logging is done to file as well, or only to file, as set in log.xml. Logging files are put in the USER folder /log.
(Add) - Logging: Task view logging option.
(Changed) - All views: For selected: user definable font color and background color.
(Fixed) - Taskbar context menu seems to stick when not used.
(Fixed) - Enabling the history sometimes locked up a thread and with it the entire program.  Changed the thread locking.
(Fixed) - Logging: When the logging window filled up, the program could crash.


V 0.54

(Add) - Computer: Status message: Connection lost.
(Add) - Computer sidebar: An icon for connection lost.
(Add) - Expert tab: An automatic reconnect time (default 0 = not reconnect).
(Fixed) - Connection: Some errors where incorrect: read error (no connection) was reported as Password error. Password error was reported as Read State error.
(Changed) - Compiler from VS 05 -> VS 10.
(Changed) - Close BoincTasks even as a thread is not responding, force the program to close after a 1 minute delay.
(Changed) - Connects quicker to host.
(Changed) - When a connection is lost it stays disconnected. Sidebar: A click on all computers, or on a specific computer, will start the reconnect sequence.
(Changed) - Tasks: For tasks in the state: Waiting to run: Filter will exclude tasks that are : Waiting for (shared) memory.
(Changed) - Tasks: Show suspend message: Waiting for memory.


V 0.55

(Add) - Tasks/History: Error status: Aborted by project.
(Add) - Tasks: A double click on any filtered task group will remove the filter and show the unfiltered tasks for that computer only. Double clicking again will restore the filter.
(Add) - Menu extra: Run Benchmark.
(Add) - Menu extra: Read config file.
(Changed) - The first 4 minutes after startup, try to reconnect any localhost, regardless of any other setting. Otherwise the local machine may not always connect.
(Changed) - The installer includes a _large.exe this exe is basically the same, but supports up to 300 computers.
(Fixed) - When the connection is lost, clear the messages for that computer.


V 0.56

- Add: Menu: Show last benchmarks time in extra->Run benchmarks.
- Add: History: Show use in new column.
- Add: History: A message box with a warning text, when the history on any computer exceeds 3000 items.
- Add: Computer: Sorting.
- Add: Computer: Alternating striping.
- Changed: Connection lost. Now invalidates the rpc and state.
- Changed: Computer: Only show the TThrottle version number, when there is a valid connection.
- Changed: History: Also captures running tasks, but not shown. Used for use column. It should also result in less misses, when upload is too fast and missed, the task is still captured.
- Changed: Alternating striping moved from task tab to view tab.
- Fixed: BOINC settings: Processor: Value "Only after computer...." should be disabled (grayed) when "use GPU while Computer is in use" is checked.
- Fixed: Message: Shows garbage when a connection is lost.
- Fixed: Tasks: On some computer the double click (remove filter) results in a crash.
- Fixed: Did not report "aborted by project" in tasks and history. (State aborted).


V 0.57

- Add: Dialog for proxy servers.
- Add: Projects: A column with the Time left / project. Taking into account the number of cores / gpus the system has
- Add: Tasks: Color for deadline running.
- Changed: The history will not read result, but uses the ones already read by the Tasks tab, if these are still valid (< 10 seconds old). This will result in a quicker response when the Task tab is opened.
- Fixed: History: Doesn't follow the "alternating stripes" setting.
- Fixed: History: A missed task showed no elapsed time, store the last known elapsed time when a task is running.


V 0.58

- Add: Logging: Log the BoincTasks version number.
- Add: BOINC Setting : 'Transfer at most X Megabytes every N days' preference.
- Add: Messages: - Right click menu, show only selected projects.
- Changed: Find Computers Dialog: Scan address range: Now finds any computer within a few seconds.
- Changed: Find Computers Dialog: Find at startup and Find again are now able to abort, with the cancel button.
- Changed: Moved over to BOINC 6.10.56.
- Changed: Tasks: Trickle timer now 10 minutes was 2 minutes. (updates tasks when invisible).
- Changed: Computers: The status column now shows the TThrottle connection status as well, but only if the status is different.
- Changed: Menu: Extra->update all projects: Only updates projects that have work to report.
- Fixed: Computers: The TThrottle version number sometimes disappears.
- Fixed: Proxy: The text for the user name was not correct one. 


V 0.59

- Add: History: State missed, a state gone from running to gone.
- Add: Computers: Menu->Find Computers Doesn't automatically starts with find, use the Find button instead.
- Add: Computers: Menu->Find Computers A password can be entered to connect and authenticate with the BOINC client. Used to retrieve the (host) computer name
- Add: Computers: Menu->Find Computers the BOINC column, will now show the connection status with the BOINC client.
- Changed: Updated the installer: Multi language, don't install when BT is still running.
- Changed: Computers: The status column, shows not connected(R), (read error) when a connection times out
- Changed: Computers: The status, bottom of the screen, now shows waiting / updating.
- Changed: History: The interval timer is now locked to the wall clock at a 12 second interval.
- Changed: Menu: Removed Window menu.
- Changed: Menu: Extra->update all projects: renamed Extra>Report all completed tasks.
- Changed: First time use: Use the computer name for the localhost automatically instead of using this.
- Fixed: A connection and BoincTasks sometimes got stuck. Added a 30 second connection timeout.
- Fixed: Computers: Shows TThrottle version number even as the remote computer is not connected/has TThrottle installed.
- Fixed: History: Did not show elapsed time on missed tasks.
- Fixed: History: Copy the clipboard, now shows the computer and use in all lines.
- Fixed: History some tasks are marked as GPU but they are CPU tasks, do it the same way as in Tasks.
- Fixed: Ratio warning: Always showed the GPU color for CPU and GPU.


V 0.60

- Add rules. Partial implementation, for now,shows only the rule color. More in the next version. See rules topic.
- Fixed: History shows status: f0000-state:. Should show missed.
- Fixed: Menu View: Sidebar computer selection, the V(selected) is missing.
- Fixed: History: Should be fixed, but it wasn't: Einstein@Home/3.02 Global Correlations S5 search #1 (S5GCESSE2) still showed as GPU task.


V 0.61

- Fixed: The progress bar goes beyond it's limits, is now limited to 100%.
- Fixed: A small memory leak (HOST_INFO -> COPROC).
- Add: Rules.  See rules topic.
- Add: Create a debug dump file should BT crash.


V 0.62

- Add: Settings->History: Added 0-23 hours.
- Add: Graphic: Option to combine projects, in one graph.
- Add: BoincMonitor V 0.1, a BOINC logging program. It reads all reported tasks.
- Add: Show tooltips when the text in a column is too small and the text is truncated.
- Changed: If the IP Address has anything with, or anything with localhost the IP Address is changed to localhost.
- Changed: The history warning number from 3000 to 6000.
- Fixed: 2 screens, the right one is primary. The last window position isn't restored properly.


V 0.63

- Add: Update: Option to automatically check for updates, every time the program starts. Pops up the Update dialog, when there is a new version.
- Add: Update: Option to check for beta versions as well.
- Add: Alternative gadget: Mode Computes: Shows computer statistics, CPU/GPU work and estimated work time.
- Changed: Projects: Tasks and Time left column now give CPU / GPU data.
- Changed: The rule time base is now 1 minute instead of 0.5 minute.
- Changed: Gadget, get the information from the history instead of fetching it from the host. (less overhead)
- Changed: Tooltip: Shows only nr of computers and tasks if computers > 3.
- Changed: Gadget: A user adjustable hover delay of 1 second and up.
- Changed: Graphic: Only add projects, that are at least 3 characters long. This doesn't show projects, that are incompletely attached.
- Changed: History: Update the tasks count/time statistics only every other cycle. E.g. every 0.5 minute.
- Fixed: Gadget: Didn't show the high priority color.
- Fixed: Gadget: Some CPU work showed up with the GPU color.
- Fixed: When a tasks was completed, it sometimes showed values over 100%.


V 0.64

- Add: A font selection in Extra -> color settings. Sets general and gadget font.
- Changed: The tooltip is now updated every 120 seconds and when the mouse moves over the icon.
- Changed: Rules dialog: Selection is now done with a selection row. The check is now used for enabling/disabling the rules.
- Changed: Add a warning in the rules log, when the history is switched off.
- Changed: Add a warning in the gadget, that the history is switched off.
- Fixed: Gadget: No CPU/GPU showed up as (1).
- Fixed: Gadget/Projects: Included completed tasks in the count, now it only shows tasks that have a remaining time.
- Fixed: Rule editor: The "Show logging" check was gone, when you edited the rule again.
- Fixed: Settings dialog->Gadget. When typing in the refresh time, the dialog looses focus and the cursor.
- Fixed: Project view: When the CPU time was 0, it showed -03d,17:34:40 now is shows - / 03d,17:34:40.


V 0.65

- Add: Typing "silver bullet" in the logging window, will pop up a warning message. Choosing yes will cause a memory protection error, for crash dump testing.
- Add: Double click on a rule to edit. The same as select->Edit button.
- Changed: When you try to start BoincTasks for the second time, show the already running program.
- Changed: The add projects dialog now has minimize.
- Fixed: When a rule was edited, the rule was disabled. (check removed).
- Fixed: When there is no Internet connection, the program startup time was too long.
- Fixed: On some OS / computers the icons are not transparent.
- Fixed: On some older OS versions the default fonts where not found, fall back on Arial as a last resort.


V 0.66

- Add: Rules: Time period, rule is active from xx:xx - yy:yy. E.g. Suspend a project at 01:00 - 06:00, Resume a project at 06:00 - 12:00.
- Add: Rules: Status count. E.g. When there are 8 errors within 10 minutes, suspend a project. When there are 8 uploads within the 24 hours, suspend a project.
- Add: Rules: Event Resume project.
- Add: Task properties.
- Changed: BOINC 6.10.58 is now the latest supported version.
- Changed: Project properties, expanded.
- Changed: More text in the crash popup.
- Changed: The installer is now trusted.
- Fixed: The installer now includes the dbghelp.dll files in the install folder, needed for XP.
- Fixed: Rules: Deleted rules, showed op the next time BoincTasks started.
- Fixed: Rules: A rule on an non existing computer name, could lock up the rule handling.
- Fixed: Projects / Gadget: The task count and times where off by quite a bit, when non CPU intensive tasks where running.
- Fixed: XP 32 chooses Arial bold instead of Arial, use Verdana instead.