New Version

Started by fred, July 28, 2009, 05:01:13 PM

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V 1.71

Fixed: Computers with a MAC address couldn't be found when virtual box was installed.
Fixed: Task show waiting to run on a postpone, now show Suspended with the postpone reason.
Fixed: BoincTasks Setting -> Tasks "Maximum update time" setting to anything else than 120, resulted in not showing CPU or GPU task.
Fixed: Temperatures didn't show when filter on running was set.
Fixed: WWW context menu didn't work correctly on some projects, completely redesigned.
Changed: Menu items  Network, Allowed to run, Benchmarks, Synchronize, are now in a dialog.
Changed: Third sorting was with the right Ctrl Key, now possible withe the left Shift key as well.
Changed: Updated cc_config editor.


V 1.72

Fixed: Transfer tasks missing context menu (right mouse).
Fixed: Read config files dialog box sometimes pops up.


V 1.73

Add: Cloud: Secure SSL (https) connection by BoincTasks.
Fixed: The context menu may stop working in the Project tab, after adding a project.
Fixed: Project sidebar, now removes projects from the list.
Fixed: Project sidebar, didn't store bar width.


V 1.74

Add: Sends connected with BOINC data to the TThrottle window in BoincTasks.
Add: Rules add Suspend network and Resume network.
Fixed: A rare crash on TThrottle temperature window.
Fixed: The TThrottle windows sometimes shows ? in the fields to edit.
Fixed: Incorrect help url.


V 1.75

Added: Edit config file (app_config.xml)  (Needs boinc client > 7.8.3) ✓
Fixed: Computer / Project sidebar minimum width too low. ✓
Fixed: Unable to connect with MAC address when there is more than one localhost IP.  ✓


V 1.76

Fixed: BOINC  7.10 failed to recognize the GPU when started by BoincTasks, the BOINC client now runs as a child of BoincTasks. ✓


V 1.77

Fixed: Check if dialog windows are on screen.✓
Fixed: app_info.xml editor with BOINC 7.10.2, more info:✓
Fixed: Editing  and writing cc_config.xml (editor) failed. ✓
Fixed: Typo in the rules file "appliation" -> "application".✓
Fixed: Rule snooze didn't work correctly when not on wall-clock Time.✓
Fixed: Outdated cc_config.xml syntax file,✓
Changed: The rules.xml file includes a snooze time item. All rules with snooze NEED to be opened in the rule editor.✓
Changed: Condense, 1 Intel GPU -> 1INT, CPU -> C, Nvidia GPU -> NV.✓
Changed: No longer cap the CPU % at 100% and allow it to go beyond 100% .✓
Changed: Messages: If the text is > 180 character, the remaining text is moved to the second line.✓
Changed: Safe and restore BoincTasks setting and BOINC Preference dialog position on screen.✓


V 1.78

Changed: Messages: No longer breaks up longer message text introduced in 1.77.
Changed: Exit messages moved to startup.log.
Changed: If Windows is closing down, BoincTasks now immediately shuts down.
Fixed: Messages: Shows incorrect highlight color.
Fixed: Statistics graph help pointed to the wrong web page.


V 1.79

Changed: Condense AMD/ATI GPU -> AMD, Device  -> d0.
Fixed: Benchmarks menu didn't show Benchmark dialog.


V 1.80

Fixed: With very high credits, the credit graph failed to display properly.
Fixed: Didn't detect the number of CPU correctly in the CPU % column.
Changed: condense: AMD/ATI GPU -> ATI
Changed: Credit legend > now shows K. and M. e.g., 12.000.000 K.


V 1.81

Fixed: Failed to compress some GPU use items.
Fixed: Transfer tab change kbps -> KBps
Fixed: Notices no longer steals focus:


V 1.82

Add: Secure connect to BOINC for BoincTasks (Android).
Fixed: Removed obsolete SETI Vlar detection


V 1.83

Fixed: Sorting on Application, only sorted on the number
Changed: Socket delay 60 -> 30 seconds, caused threads to hang


V 1.84

Added: Tasks: Sorting on Application number only. Setting the check "Sort on Application Nr" in Tasks, restores the pre 1.83 situation.
Added: Tasks: Share column (from Projects)
Fixed: Failed to show reason for postponed tasks in "Waiting to run"


V 1.85

Fixed: Sorting on Share and Virtual Memory failed on larger numbers.