Anyone interested in translating BoincTasks into her/his language.

Started by fred, December 16, 2009, 11:33:24 AM

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I'm still in need of an native English speaker, to check on the English translations.
Of both program and Web site.

Languages we have translators for:

Bulgarian: Nick, Team Cor Serpentis
Dutch: Fred, Seti@Netherlands
French: worldcommunitygrid équipe France
German: Seti.Germany
Polish: Telefax, BOINC@Poland
Romanian: ochiuletz,  SETI.Romania
Slovak: Pepo
Spanish: Corsair

BoincTasks is easy to translate. All the text is in the language file BoincTasks_xxx.btlang
The file can/must be read by a simple text editor like notepad.exe.
My favorite text editor for this is Notepad++.

Make sure you contact me first, before proceeding. Just in case someone else is already translating the same language.

Start BoincTasks and look in Help->Show Log. At the beginning you find the 3 character language code of you computer.
This language code must be inserted at the end like BoincTasks_xxx.btlang -> BoincTasks_ENU.btlang


Don't use spaces at the end or at the beginning of a text. Only use tabs!
Spaces at the end of a text are made with %20 = single space.
But don't use tabs inside the text, as tabs are removed entirely.

%d represents a number and MUST not be removed. You may place it in another location in the text, but don't remove it.

%09 = tab, is used to align text horizontally.

And make sure you start with the latest beta release.

Warning set the correct Code page:

To change the code page::

Open Control Panel » Region (and Language)
Select the Administrative tab.
Click the button "Change system locale ..." and select the correct one.
So the system locale MUST be the same as the translations you plan to make.