New parts to translate

Started by fred, December 30, 2009, 03:22:04 PM

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V 0.53

   <GeneralFontSel>   Text selection         </>
   <GeneralBackSel>   Text background selection   </>


V 0.54

   <CombinedLostConnection>   Lost connection         </>

   <Memory>      Waiting for memory   </>


V 0.55

   <StatusAbortedByProject>Aborted by project   </>

   <ExtraRunBenchmark>   Run CPU benchmarks               </>
   <ExtraReadConfig>   Read Config file               </>


V 0.56

   <ExtraRunBenchmarkLast>   Last time:                  </>Menu: Extra->Run Benchmarks. This text is placed after the compute name and a date/time is put in for the last benchmark.

   <RowUse>      Use         </> Added a new row in the History tab, similar to the one already in Tasks.

   <MessageTooLarge>   WARNING! History is too large, please adjust the day setting. Now:   </> A message box is shown, when the history count is above the maximum of 3000 each computer


V 0.57

   <RowTimeLeft>      Time Left      </>

   <ExtraProxy>      BOINC proxy settings               </> Added an entry for the BOINC proxy dialog

   <DeadlineRunning>   Deadline running      </>

All text for the Proxy settings dialog.

   <Title>         Proxy settings:%20      </>

   <HttpTitle>      HTTP Proxy         </>
   <HttpConnect>      Connect via HTTP Proxy server   </>   
   <HttpGroup>      HTTP Proxy Server Configuration   </>
   <HttpServer>      Address:         </>
   <HttpPort>      Port:            </>
   <HttpNoFor>      Don't use proxy for:      </>
   <HttpGroupUser>      Leave these blank if not needed   </>
   <HttpUser>      User Name:         </>
   <HttpPassWord>      Password:         </>

   <SocksTitle>      SOCKS Proxy         </>
   <SocksConnect>      Connect via SOCKS Proxy server   </>   
   <SocksGroup>      SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration</>
   <SocksServer>      Address:         </>
   <SocksPort>      Port:            </>
   <SocksNoFor>      Don't use proxy for:      </>
   <SocksGroupUser>   Leave these blank if not needed   </>
   <SocksUser>      User Name:         </>
   <SocksPassWord>      Password:         </>


V 0.58

The messages popup on the right mouse key.
Added a filter on specific projects.
   <ShowOnlyProjects>   Only show project      </>
   <ShowOnlyProjectsAll>   All            </>

In the BOINC Settting a new entry for V 6.10.56
   <NetTransferAtMost>   Transfer at most         </>
   <NetMBytesEvery>   Mbytes, every            </>


V 0.59

Menu item Extra->update all projects  Renamed: Extra>Report all completed tasks.
   <ExtraUpdateAll>   Report all completed tasks            </>

   <ButtonSearchAgain>   Find            </> Renamed Find again -> Find
   <Password>      Password:         </> Easy for me to copy from another location ;D

   <StatusMissed>      Missed         </>


V 0.60

The Help menu:
   <HelpLogRules>      Show log rules                  </>

Tasks view: Popup on the right mouse.
   <AddRule>      Add rule      </>

The new dialog tab in: Extra -> BoincTasks.
   <RulesTitle>      Rules            </>
   <RulesColumnComputer>   Computer         </>
   <RulesColumnProject>   Project            </>
   <RulesColumnApplication>Application         </>
   <RulesColumnRule>   Rule            </>

   <RulesDeleteButton>   Delete            </>
   <RulesEditButton>   Edit            </>
   <RulesAddButton>   Add            </>
   <RulesDeleteYesNo>   Do you want to delete the selected rule?   </>

The extra logging dialog.
   <TitleRules>      Logging rules         </>

The rule editor dialog, to edit and add a rule.
   <Title>         Rule editor      </>
   <Name>         Rule name:      </>
   <Computer>      Computer:      </>
   <Project>      Project:      </>
   <Application>      Application:      </>
   <TypeElapsed>      Elapsed Time      </>
   <TypeCpuP>      CPU %         </>
   <TypeProgress>      Progress %      </>
   <TypeTimeLeft>      Time Left      </>
   <TypeUse>      Use         </>
   <TypeTemperature>   Temperature      </>
   <CheckButton>      Check         </>
   <ColorButton>      Color         </>


V 0.61

   <GroupType>      Type         </>
   <GroupOperator>      Operator      </>
   <GroupValue>      Value         </>
   <GroupTime>      Time         </>
   <GroupEvent>      Event         </>

   <TypeProgressDelta>   Progress / min %   </>

   <EventMessage>      Show logging      </>

   <EventSuspendProject>   Suspend project      </>
   <EventSuspendTask>   Suspend task      </>
   <EventProgram>      Run program      </>


V 0.62

   This text changed from days -> days and
   <HistoryRemoveDays>   days and         </>
   Added hours to history remove time
   <HistoryRemoveHours>   hours            </>


V 0.63

   <GadgetRadioShowIcon>   Show only over icon for      </>
-------   changed into:
   <GadgetRadioShowIcon>   Show only over icon after   </>

-------   Added:

   <GadgetShowIconFor>   Second(s), for         </>
   <GadgetModeTasks>   Mode: Show all running tasks   </>
   <GadgetModeComputers>   Mode: Show all computers   </>

   <LatestBetaVersion>   (Latest beta version : %s)            </>
   <NewBetaVersionFound>   New beta version of BoincTasks found: %s      </>
   <CheckAuto>      Automatically check for new versions         </>
   <CheckBeta>      Include Beta versions               </>

-------   Tooltip message when over the BoincTasks icon
   <Computers>      Connected computers      </>


V 0.64

   This text has changed to include the font.
   <Title>         BoincTasks colors and fonts   </>
   <TitleFont>      Font            </>
   <FontGroupGeneral>   General font         </>
   <FontGroupGadget>   Gadget font         </>

   This text has changed to include the font.   
   <ExtraColors>      BoincTasks colors and fonts   </>

   <CombineProjects>   Combine projects   </>



V 0.66

   <Properties>      Properties      </>

   <TypeStatus>      Status         </>
   <TypeTime>      Time period      </>
   <EventResumeProject>   Resume project      </>

Please check if the items are lined properly
   <Computer>      Computer:            </>
   <TitleTaskP>      Task properties            </>
   <Application>      Application%09%09%09         </>
   <Name>         Name%09%09%09%09         </>
   <WorkunitName>      Workunit name%09%09%09         </>
   <State>         State%09%09%09%09         </>
   <Recieved>      Received%09%09%09%09         </>
   <Deadline>      Report deadline%09%09%09      </>
   <Resources>      Resources%09%09%09         </>
   <CheckpointTime>   CPU time at last checkpoint%09%09   </>
   <CpuTime>      CPU time%09%09%09%09         </>
   <ElapsedTime>      Elapsed time%09%09%09         </>
   <EstTimeRemaining>   Estimated time remaining%09%09      </>
   <FractionDone>      Fraction done%09%09%09         </>
   <VirtualMemory>      Virtual memory size%09%09%09      </>
   <WorkingSetSize>   Working set size%09%09%09      </>
   <Directoy>      Directory%09%09%09%09         </>
   <Pid>         Process ID%09%09%09         </>

Please check if the items are lined properly
   <Team>         Team%09%09%09%09      </>
   <FileUploadDeferred>   File upload deferred%09%09   </>
   <FileDownloadDeferred>   File download deferred%09%09   </>
   <ComputerId>      Computer id%09%09%09      </>

   <GpuBackoff>      Gpu backoff time%09%09%09   </>
   Renamed to
   <CudaBackoff>      NVIDIA backoff time%09%09   </>

   <AtiBackoff>      ATI backoff time%09%09%09   </>
   <ShortTimeDebt>      Short term debt%09%09%09   </>
   Renamed to
   <CpuShortTimeDebt>   CPU Short term debt%09%09%09   </>

   <GpuDebt>      GPU debt%09%09%09%09      </>
   Renamed to
   <CudaShortTimeDebt>   NVIDIA Short term debt%09%09%09   </>

   <CudaLongTimeDebt>   NVIDIA Long term debt%09%09   </>


V 0.67

   <WarningCpuTasks>   Cpu less than      </>
   <WarningGpuTasks>   Gpu less than      </>
   <WarningProject>   Project            </>
   <WarningComputer>   Computer         </>

   <ExpertSilentReboot>   Silently reboot on crash   </>

   <Tasks>         Task count         </>