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Messages - backgroundman

Questions / Re: cvs history files columns
October 05, 2013, 05:33:48 PM
I found the "problem". I noticed that in the history file for a host at the last lines there are the current running tasks for the specific host.
These tasks (not yet finished) can be identified by the 0 at "completed" or "reported" column...

Thank you for the info and sorry for the inconvenience..
Questions / Re: cvs history files columns
September 29, 2013, 02:06:30 PM
Thank you for the info but I can not see how 5310 sec of "Elapsed Time CPU" will much 8h 56m 41s in history tab (this is 32201 sec) in my example. Moreover, 481 sec of "Elapsed Time GPU" do not much with 45m 16s of history tab (this is 2716 sec).

Furthermore, in my example the second wu "Gravitational Wave S6 Directed Search (CasA) (X64)" has "Elapsed Time CPU" and "Elapsed Time GPU" of "933" and "926" but this application doesn't use any GPU for the calculations.
Questions / cvs history files columns
September 29, 2013, 11:23:14 AM

I use BoincTasks for years. Great application.
I am running mostly Einstein@home boinc project on several PCs (CPU and GPU).
I would like to produce some statistics from the history files (history and long_history) so I develop a simple JAVA app to parse the cvs files and store the columns in a MySQL database for easy manipulation of the data.
The problem is that I can't understand the columns "Elapsed Time Cpu", "Elapsed Time Gpu", "State", "ExitStatus", "Reported" and "Completed".
For example I have a cvs file with the following rows:

         Project Application      Version Number Name PlanClass Elapsed Time Cpu Elapsed Time Gpu State ExitStatus Reported Completed Use
768 Einstein@Home Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Perseus Arm Survey) 139 PA0022_00461_166_3 BRP5-cuda32-nv270 5310 481 2 0 0 0 0.2 CPUs + 0.33 NVIDIA GPUs 1379870776.680125 21635403776.000000 107270144.000000 -1x -1x -1x -1x -1x
769 Einstein@Home Gravitational Wave S6 Directed Search (CasA) 105 h1_0537.05_S6Directed__S6CasAf40a_537.35Hz_280_1 X64 933 926 2 0 0 0 1380182094.847520 307212288.000000 223485952.000000 -1x -1x -1x -1x -1x

which produce the following rows in boinctasks history tab:

Einstein@Home 1.39 Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Perseus Arm Survey) (BRP5-cuda32-nv270) PA0024_00761_180_0 08:56:41 (00:45:16) 29/9/2013 9:12:33 ðì 29/9/2013 9:14:35 ðì 0,2C + 0,33NV 8,43 Reported: OK * localhost 20633.14 MB 102.30 MB
Einstein@Home 1.05 Gravitational Wave S6 Directed Search (CasA) (X64) h1_0537.00_S6Directed__S6CasAf40a_537.4Hz_206_0 06:35:00 (06:32:10) 29/9/2013 11:15:52 ðì 29/9/2013 11:17:54 ðì         99,28 Reported: OK * localhost      334.86 MB 255.13 MB

1. I would like to know how to calculate the cpu/gpu time from the "elapsed_time_cpu" and elapsed_time_gpu". How I can calculate the 08:56:41(00:45:16) of the history tab from "5310" and "481".

2. Is there any documentation about the "State" and "ExitStatus" flags ?

3. In the following example the columns "Reported" and "Completed" are 0,  while in the history tab I show the date (today). In other tasks in the cvs file there is an integer in these columns (e.g. 1380449558) in tasks correspond to the same date (today).

4. There are several columns after the last column "Use". Is there any documentation for these columns?

Thank you