New Version

Started by fred, July 28, 2009, 05:01:13 PM

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V 1.26

-Add: Warning message in Settings->General Option, if the BOINC Manager and BoincTasks are both set to start the BOINC client.
-Add: Transfer graph for BOINC V 7 (and 6.13.xx).
-Add: cc_config.xml editor for BOINC V 7 (and 6.13.xx).
-Add: Settings->History: A check "Time left not very accurate". In this mode the polling interval will be more frequent.
-Changed: Starting and stopping the BOINC client, doesn't lock up the entire program.  Moved to separate thread.
-Changed: When stopping the BOINC client, BT uses a timeout of 1 minute, before showing the failed to stop the BOINC client message.
-Changed: Allow toolbar now functions is all views except  Notices.
-Changed: Freehal was exclude from the smart History, it is included now.
-Changed: If a task running state has changed (running -> upload), the next history fetch will be without any delay. Now it is after the minimum cycle.
-Changed: Check if is more than one localhosts in the IP Address column. Rename the second one to localhost2.
-Fixed: Temperature graph, cosmetic, adjusted the color indicators.
-Fixed: Adding a new computer, use a blank group name instead of 0.


V 1.27

-Add: Additional logging options in log.xml.
-Add: If the garbage collector finds a files that is read only (serious problem) a popup box will appear.
-Changed: Replace any spaces in the computer IP name with an underscore.
-Changed: Moved the garbage collector to a separate low priority thread.
-Changed: Start the garbage collector only once a day.
-Changed: Reduce the wait time, if a history file read fails. This can cause excessive long start up times.
-Changed: For any computer name containing localhost, like localhost2, localhost is used. So all of them point to the same localhost.
-Changed: On exit, with "Stop BOINC client on exit" enabled, BT sends the client a quit message and closes down, without waiting for the client to respond.
-Bug: Transfer graph crashed, if not all computers where selected in the computer tab.


V 1.28

-Add: BoincTasks settings: Messages tab: Keep user definable number of lines.
-Add: Extra->BoincTasks Settings->Expert: Thread/process run time graph.
-Changed: "Start BoincTasks at login" now removes the complete run key when the check is removed.
-Changed: Rules, application name can use wild cards. (t?s? = test, test* = test1whatever, test* = test2).
-Fixed: The position of the Credit graphic wasn't stored.
-Fixed: The position of the TThrottle dialog wasn't restored.
-Fixed: Using the update link in Notices didn't show the complete update dialog.
-Fixed: Notices: sometimes notices weren't collapsible.
-Fixed: Hotkey: Don't register hot keys that are set to none.
-Fixed: (BOINC V7) Incompatible upload/download status.
-Fixed: (BOINC V7) client adds zero <coproc>  entries to the cc_config file.


V 1.29

-Add: Help button to BoincTasks Settings.
-Add: Projects: Columns: Project rank and Team rank.
-Changed: Adjusted the height of the Computer sidebar.
-Changed: History, the backup is now optional and set to off in the BoincTasks Settings->History tab.
-Changed: Logging: Connection error text for timeout, and socket error.
-Changed: Find computers, removed the end address.
-Changed: Find computers, resolve computer name, if a password is set and a connection to the BOINC client can be made.
-Changed: Messages: If the max limit of messages is reached, only delete 100 messages at a time (/sec).
-Fixed: A connection could not be made. Now wait for the socket to say it's ready, before trying to authorize.
-Fixed: Add <exclusive_gpu_app> cc_config edit (config_editor.xml).
-Fixed: Show download error in properties.


V 1.30

-Add: Logging.xml <closing> to log the closing process.
-Add: Rule, deadline.
-Add: Rule, no new work.
-Changed: On a crash, restart BT, the next time to get a clean start.
-Fixed: Long closing times.
-Fixed: Right align the rank columns.
-Fixed: Tasks Graph, behave strangely when days > 60. Days are limited to 60 days.
-Fixed: History, rare crash on a pointer. (internal) removed a pointer redirection on the history.
-Fixed: Sometimes BoincTasks keeps running at 100%, after a stalled BOINC computer thread. At closing (internal restart) BoincTasks tries to suspend or else kill the runaway thread.
-Fixed: Messages, sometimes showed the _init_ text for a long time.
-Fixed: Messages, slow with a large number of messages.


V 1.31

-Add: Web server: Selecting rows.
-Changed: Web server: Removed refresh flickering.
-Changed: Check for updates once a day. (was every time at start up).
-Changed: BOINC Settings->Network: In V7 "Connect every" text changed into "Minimum work buffer".
-Changed: Read/write Color xml, dialog show the full path and file name.
-Fixed: The TThrottle window has an incorrect size.
-Fixed: Transfer Graph hangs with BOINC V7.
-Fixed: Doesn't truncate the "Use" value for WCG GPU. (Uses NVIDIA GPU instead of NVIDIA GPUs).
-Fixed: Project Properties did not show correct backoff time in V7.
-Fixed: Projects: Missing scheduling text: In Progress.
-Fixed: Messages: Don't load in more messages than the setting in "Keep messages lines".


V 1.32

-Add: Rule event: Allow new work.
-Add: Rule event: Snooze.
-Changed: Rule Deadline: Was: deadline, Now: deadline - Time left.
-Changed:  If no computer is selected (row selection): Was: Use localhost. Now: Check if only one computer is visible and use it. If no one is visible, or if there are multiple selections use the localhost.
-Fixed: The remote cc_config editor now works correctly with V 7.
-Fixed: Computer tab, doesn't show a disconnected TThrottle connection.
-Fixed: The webserver sometimes crashed BoincTasks on exit.


V 1.33

-Add: First IPad version in HTML5.
-Changed: Updated Lacewing dll to V0.2.6, used by mobile.
-Changed: Long term history can't be selected, when it's disabled.
-Changed: Start BOINC Client at startup is now the default setting.
-Fixed: Not included in the installer: config_editor_v6.xml. Syntax checks before V7
-Fixed: The long term history dialog, is initially too small.
-Fixed: Crash when deleting old notices.


V 1.34

-Add: Message tab: Sorting on the Nr column.
-Add: History CPU % column.
-Fixed: When the message tab was selected, the CPU load was too high.
-Fixed: BoincTasks mobile: When the message tab was selected, the CPU load was too high.
-Fixed: BoincTasks mobile: Problems logging in and repeated refreshes.
-Fixed: Project properties: The backoff times where incorrect on a V6 client.


V 1.35

-Add: BoincTasks Mobile: Filter selection, select multiple rows, column sorting.
-Add: Option to delay starting the BOINC client.
-Changed: BoincTasks Mobile: Selecting rows directly visible.
-Changed: BoincTasks Settings -> Expert: Added path to "Override default (xml) Folder".
-Fixed: Not enough room for text <ExpertRunTimes>
-Fixed: History, CPU % for missed is incorrect.


V 1.36

-Add: BoincTasks Mobile: Project: properties.
-Add: BoincTasks Mobile: Transfers: Retry, Abort.
-Add: BoincTasks Mobile: Graph. (Project->Graph).
-Changed: BoincTasks Mobile: Select computers is now a popup, and a single select check-box, allows single selections.
-Changed: BoincTasks Mobile: A lot of minor changes.
-Changed: Projects view: Sorting is now done on the string instead of the status type.
-Changed: Config.xml now compatible with BOINC version 7.0.28.
-Fixed: Messages: On reverse sorting the list didn't decrease on switching computers.


V 1.37

-Changed: BoincTasks Mobile: Redesigned Web Server (removed lacewing.dll) to be compatible with Wine.
-Changed: TThrottle V 5.80 compatible graph.
-Changed: No longer compatible with TThrottle 1.90 and older.


V 1.38

-Add: BoincTasks Mobile: Graph: Select project, single selection option.
-Changed: BoincTasks Mobile: A new socket handler that is compatible with Wine.
-Changed: BoincTasks Mobile: A lot of small changes and speed improvements.
-Changed: Non Windows: Notices: Don't show collapse picture.
-Fixed: Crash on BoincTasks Mobile, when the number of tasks is very high
-Fixed: Project properties showed the wrong back off time on BOINC V7.


V 1.39

-Fixed: BoincTasks Mobile: While selecting a row, the selection sometimes jumped back to a previous state.
-Fixed: Temperature graph: Double clicking it, failed to hide some selection items.


V 1.40

-Add: BoincTasks Mobile: Options-> change header and text font size. (As in setting->mobile).
-Add: BoincTasks Mobile: Projects-> Report completed.
-Add: Checks for Seti->vlars and suspends them.
-Changed: Messages: The __Init__ text, changed to _.
-Fixed: Transfer graph: The tool-tips showed an incorrect transfer value.
-Fixed: Messages: The __Init__ text was show and not removed immediately.
-Fixed: Messages: Filtering with Sorting v, didn't always work correctly.
-Fixed: Projects: No sorting on Project and Team Rank.
-Fixed: Edit config compatible the latest BOINC version. (7.0.28)
-Fixed: History: The completed time, very rarely was incorrect and too early.
-Fixed: BoincTasks Mobile: Project tab , doesn't show everything if there is a ? anywhere in the text. E.g. in the team rank column.