Since last versions fo BT, the programm does not updates the pc´s that reconnect after having been previously disconnected. I have to close and start the program and then it "sees" again all the connected computers. This happens with lasts versions (I could not say excactly since which one), I mean that previously it worked fine.
I used xp os, but now I have changed to w7 ant it happens the same; I have waited that a new version solves the problem, but it continues with the lasts 5 o 6 versions. Now I use the last beta 0.99.
Any help? thanks.
Quote from: edtemp on February 13, 2011, 01:02:57 PM
Since last versions fo BT, the programm does not updates the pc´s that reconnect after having been previously disconnected. I have to close and start the program and then it "sees" again all the connected computers. This happens with lasts versions (I could not say excactly since which one), I mean that previously it worked fine.
I used xp os, but now I have changed to w7 ant it happens the same; I have waited that a new version solves the problem, but it continues with the lasts 5 o 6 versions. Now I use the last beta 0.99.
Any help? thanks.
In the BT settings -> Expert, set = Reconnect every xx seconds. To something like 120.
Another way to reconnect is clicking on the computer sidebar, on all computers or on a specific computer. This should start the reconnect at once.
Move the file log.xml from C:\Program Files\eFMer\BoincTasks\examples\log to C:\Program Files\eFMer\BoincTasks\log
Set the following flag to 1: <connecting> 1 </connecting>
In show -> Show log, check enable debug mode.
You need to restart BT for this.
This should show the time the connection was lost and when a retry was done.
Thanks, and excuse my delay in replying,