It seems silly running Boinc Tasks AND Boinc Manager, but if I exit Boinc manager (in the system tray), the client (or whatever you call the thing that does the work) stops too, and no tasks run. I can't uninstall Boinc Manager as it seems to come with the client.
It depends on the Manager version.
Menu: Tools -> Display an network options (weird place)
Remove the check at "Run Manager at login". This should prevent the manager from starting.
Next set the check at "Enable Manager exit dialog". This one asks for the client to be closed at exit, so it doesn't do so automatically.
Oops, that failed after rebooting. Boinc tasks could no longer see the projects (probably because they weren't running - CPU usage was at zero).
I've put boinc manager back on....
Quote from: hucker on October 29, 2011, 01:48:13 PM
Oops, that failed after rebooting. Boinc tasks could no longer see the projects (probably because they weren't running - CPU usage was at zero).
The Boinc Manager starts up the BOINC client.
You must tell BoincTasks to do the same:
Menu -> Extra -> BoincTasks settings -> General Check: "Start BoincTasks at login" and "Start BOINC client"
Ahhh. Thanks again.