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Messages - Isogen74

Another quick one - it would be useful to have the current GPU and CPU temperature limit rendered as a colored horizontal bar on the graph.


Wish List / Configuration of two thermal data sets
March 27, 2009, 08:44:06 AM
I would like to be able to store two sets of TThrottle temperature limit settings:
- one for "normal operation" (i.e. run as fast as you can as long as you don't melt my CPU/GPU),
- one for "quiet operation" (i.e. I am sat at my PC working and don't want my GPU fan distracting me by running at 100% speed, but 60% is OK).

If you could fast select which of these is active using the tray icon right click menu it would also be brilliant =)

Thanks for the app b.t.w. - very useful.