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BoincTasks cloud login is working again

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Messages - toulouse

Hello Fred,

I finally got BoincTasks to connect up with my Linux machines, and in addition to that a new Windows 7 Home Premium Notebook. I have to admit that this process almost had me pulling out my hair (what's left of it !!!), and it has been a true learning experience for me.

The problems on the Linux machines appear to have been caused by two separate issues, both of which I should have spotted earlier. The first of these relate to an alert put out by SELinux (I think), which was preventing access to file 'remote_hosts.cfg', and although I should have spotted this earlier, my excuse is that it only provides a rather minimal indication that something is wrong. However, the details reported by 'sealert' actually provide a means by which to resolve the issue, and then all that was required was to restart the BOINC client. The second issue, was related to the Firewall, as I had neglected to open port 1043; I don't recall seeing anything about this in the docs, but maybe I just missed it.

Anyway, I am now a very happy bunny, so thanks for the help that you gave in resolving the problem.

Bye for now,

Mick Young
Hello Fred,

Please accept my apologies for not coming back sooner. I have had a few things to deal with lately, and only now have the time to look into this problem a little bit further.

Firstly, let me say thanks to you for providing this wonderful program, and for responding to my request for help.

You asked me to answer a few questions, as follows

1) Does the BOINC log of the Linux machine show 'Config: GUI RPC allowed from: xxx
    No, there is nothing in the Linux machine log relating to GUI RPC, etc....

2) Do the IP addresses match?
    No, there are no IP addresses shown in the Linux BOINC log

3) Do you see any messages on this machine, like refused
    No, there are no messages in the Linux machine BOINC log

I have followed the instructions regarding the Debug setting in BoincTasks and get the following in the log on the XP machine where BoincTasks is running :

Maximum number of computers: Unlimited
Computers --- localhost get local password (D:\Documents...\gui_rpc_auth.cfg) xxxxxxx <- password
Computers --- express, localhost
Computers ---  apteryx,
Connect --- Connected to : Host: localhost, express, Port:31416, BOINCversion 7.0.28
Connect, init --- Host:, apteryx, Port:31416, connection error [this message is repeated at 2 minute intervals]

As far as I can see I have done everything correctly, but it still doesn't seem to be able to connect to the Linux machine (apteryx, The file remote_hosts.cfg on apteryx contains  one line with '' which is the local network IP address of Windows XP machine 'express', and the password which I have entered into BoincTasks for Linux machine apteryx is the same as the contents of gui_rpc_auth.cfg on that machine.

I am stumped, so any other advice that you might be able to offer would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in anticipation,

Mick Young

Hello, I've recently installed BoincTasks on my Windows XP system, and am running BOINC clients on this and a few Linux machines. I have tried to get the Linux machines to connect to BoincTasks, without success. I have read the FAQ and manual and as far as I can see I am doing everything correctly, but I just cannot get the Linux machines connected to BoincTasks. Can anyone help me get this sorted out please.

Thanks in anticipation,

Mick Young