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Messages - Dunuin

Wish List / Re: Multiple IPs for laptops
January 17, 2013, 08:05:51 PM
Quotesometimes I've this problem because of the DNIP of the router because I don't know that the new brand of Windows e.g. 7 & 8 if you give a static IP in the adptaer does not work correctly but there use to be a trick in the modem/router configuration sometimes there is one Tab for assigning same IP to a fixed MAC so you look in your LAN connection for the MAC addresses of the devices you want and assign a fixed IP that when it will be reconnected again in your LAN will always give the same address than before and you won't have problems again with BT and exchanging the IP in case the new one given by the moden/router is different than the previous one.
I already did that. But I have 2 LANs behind 2 Routers. And sometimes the laptop/smartphone is part of LAN 1 and sometimes of LAN 2. So I need two possible IPs for the same computer.
Wish List / Multiple IPs for laptops
January 17, 2013, 07:46:13 AM
I'm currently using BT to manage my computers at home and at work with dyndns over the internet.
That works fine for the tower computers but is annoying with laptops and smartphones, connected via WLAN, because I use them sometimes at home and sometimes at work.
So it would be nice if there were an option to setup multiple pairs of IPs and ports for the same computer like "IP:;" and "Port: 31416; 31419". If the first pair "" fails, because the laptop is connected to the router at work, BT could step forward and try the other pairs until it finds the laptop at "".