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Messages - Mysteron347

Wish List / Controlling process start-up
May 23, 2013, 03:08:57 PM
I can no longer afford to run my machine continuously, so I switch it off overnight - Mondays excepted as that's when the automatic backups are done.

What I'd like BOINCTASKS to do is:

1. Allow me to set a maximum number of instances of an application to run concurrently. 2 instances only of Constellation, for instance, since it's a real resources-hog.

2. Allow me to control when particular application may start up. For instance, Oproject/GSCE-SV doesn't checkpoint and runs for 15hrs+ on my machine, so I'd like to make sure it doesn't start after 0800, except Mondays.

3. Allow me to specify the order in which some tasks are executed, and to allot a number of cores to that processing. On my 8-core machine for instance, I may want to reserve 3 cores for WCG/HCMD2 (ok - that one's finished... ;D) or particular units in any sequence I choose. The other 5 cores are available for whatever the scheduling mechanism chooses  - even entries in my queue, but while there are entries in my selected queue, those 3 reserved cores will be allotted to processing my queue.

4. I'd like to be able to specify that any combination of jobs be run NOW - even if it violates the previous three rules.

I've seen some discussion on BOINC-oriented groups that suggest that many former BOINCers have stopped processing because of the increasing price of electricity. I'm sure that being allowed to manage the processing more directly would be appreciated by those like me - retiring to a fixed income.