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Messages - john0597


I'm using version 7.5.2 on Windows 10.
I checked auto active and added the game .exe  in BOINC list of Exclusive applications.
It still doesn't limit GPU temperature. :'(

The first time Tthrottle worked and limit my gpu temperature , I had  Tthrottle like that
I set Gpu limit to 50 and cpu limit to 60.

I also want to know if there is a way to completely remove tthrottle and then reinstall it without having BOINC table in Tthrottle.

I want to have Tthrottle like :

Thank you for the reply
Thank you for the reply

The first time Tthrottle worked , I didin't use BOINC and Auto active was unchecked. I put a rule for gpu (if gpu t°c >48°C tthrottle ).

Now , I checked Auto active and I installed BOINC . I also noticed that it appears nothing in BOINC program.
I think that TThrottle only works for CPU and not GPU (because during a game session in Logging tab , it appears for example  : 237PID: 167% CPU witcher3.exe).

Thank you in advance
I'm using Tthrottle to limit my gpu temperature during games.
Throttle worked very well during 2 weeks ( my gpu t°c didn't exceed 50°C . I had 50-60 FPS .That was awesome.)
But now , I tried everything (e.g reinstall, change parameters,...) ,but my gpu t°c goes above 50°C .
I'm using a GTX 770.
What can I do ? How to fix Tthrottle ?

Thank you