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BoincTasks cloud login is working again

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Messages - Skillz

I love using groups, to group my hosts together into clusters. However, clicking the "all computers" tabs only shows all computers NOT in a group. The only way to select them all so I can see the task view of all the hosts at once is to select every group heading + all computers to display them all at once.

I wish their was a single button I could click that would select all computers, those in groups and not in groups.
When I select a computer on the left side bar, then go to Extra > BOINC Preferences

The window that opens tells me it's the localhost, [lost host name]

Not the computer I am trying to open.

This only happens on some of them, which are new and do not have any projects on them yet. Trying to get the settings setup before adding the projects seems near impossible.

Anytime I have a menu window open on BT, such as the add new projects menu, the focus keeps getting returned to the main BT window. Thus making it nearly impossible to type my username/email and password for the project I want to add.
Questions / Allow network communication
October 04, 2018, 09:43:19 PM
Allow network communication from the drop down menu Extra does not work on version 1.78. It works fine in version 1.73 and a window popsup allowing you to control what hosts have network and which do not.
Questions / sidebar project selection bug
June 11, 2017, 07:55:15 PM
Anytime I am adding (possibly removing also) projects to my hosts I get blank project selection on the side menu. The only way to get them to disappear is to close the program and open it again.