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Topics - nanoprobe

Questions / Problem after updating to 1.66
November 04, 2014, 12:58:04 AM
After updating to version 1.66 2 of the computers on my network are no longer seen by Boinctasks. No settings were changed. Checked everything on the 2 missing computers and everything is the same as before. Have no idea what happened.
Questions / BoincTasks mobile and iOS7
September 29, 2013, 01:35:20 PM
Can't get mobile to work on iPAD with the new Apple OS. Put the icon with the IP address on the home screen but when I try to connect all I get is "Safari could not open the page because the server stopped responding." What am I doing wrong?
I've been using version 1.16 for a long time because it worked like a charm. Now, out of nowhere, there is a problem. When I go to the Projects tab the update, project suspend, project update, no new tasks, allow new tasks selections don't work any more. I thought upgrading to a new version might help. It didn't. I haven't changed any of my settings so I have no idea what caused the selections to stop working. If I switch to the Tasks tab everything works fine. Any ideas?