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Topics - fred

FAQ / Download and use the BoincRescheduler
July 08, 2010, 07:55:03 AM
BoincRescheduler is a program that allows BOINC tasks to move from one plan class to another. E.g. from CPU to GPU cuda and GPU cuda to CPU.

Make sure you use the right 32 or 64 bit version! It matters.....

Limitations for now:
1) It can only reschedule work from CPU to GPU and GPU to CPU.
2) Works with SETI enhanced and other BOINC projects.

When you want to actually test the end result: Press "Test" and if you don't get any errors:

1) Stop the BOINC client
2) Unplug any Internet connections.
3) Make a complete copy of the BOINC folder.
4) Press Run

Warning: Even as I do extensive testing on my own computers and get feedback from others. It may cause unexpected problems on your computers, so use it at you own risk. ;D
Warning: If you are running BOINC as a service. This is untested, so this may not work properly!

Warning, rescheduling may result in less credits, for you or your wing man.
Try NOT to use it, unless there is no other way.

BoincRescheduler V 2.7
Tested on Win 7, Vista and XP 32/64. A separate W2k version is included.

Version information
FAQ / What is BoincMonitor
June 23, 2010, 04:38:31 PM
BoincMonitor is a small tool that logs all BOINC results.

The results are logged to screen and to file.

Additionally it reports errors from the stderr text produced by SETI Lunatics optimized programs.

It's an easy way to track if everything is working as it should. A lot of defect GPU's (CUDA) report a task as ok, but the error text shows otherwise.
Frequent errors on the same device can point to a defective card or the wrong driver.

stderr buffer

The default setting is keep stderr copies for 1 day, if you want to change this e.g. to 7 days:

Create a file called monitor_config.xml in the same folder as the exe.
Place this in the file:

      <stderr_out>   7   </stderr_out>

stderr_out keep a copy of stderr_out for a number of days, 0 will disable this feature.
The files are stored here: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\eFMer\BoincMonitor\stderr

V 0.2

Add: Stores stderr in /stderr folder for 1 day.
Add: monitor_config.xml file with options.
Changed: Logging now in a separate window.
Changed: Stores screen position.
Beta Testing / Testing Version 1.82
June 19, 2010, 09:32:18 AM
Fixed: The 32 bit version doesn't show the list boxes on some computers.
Beta Testing / Testing Version 1.81
June 17, 2010, 02:07:32 PM
Changed: TThrottle now sends the computer name to BoincTasks: <TThrottle><HN: computer_name>
Changed: Multi language installer.
Fixed: Clicking on an empty rule list, gave an message box with a parameter error.
Fixed: An active rule didn't show in the color red.
Rules / Members that will be removed
June 11, 2010, 04:33:15 PM
The following members will be removed:

All members that have never posted and haven't been on-line for 365 days.
All members that have never logged in. (within a week).
All members that have never posted and are on

This leaves only us the active board members. ;D
Wish List / New Rules to add
June 04, 2010, 07:56:15 AM
I am planning this feature to be gradually included in the next versions.

Most "small" networks have some sort of simple  dynamic IP address allocation.
But this doesn't work well with BOINC as it is difficult to determine the computer on the other side.
On most the computers the name <-> IP address conversion will not work.

I want to add a feature to do this automatically.

Setup requirements:

1) IP range like to and a port to use.
2) Password: A BOINC password for all computers in the net, MUST be the same.
3) BOINC on all remote computers must allow computers from the net to access it. (allow IP and use the same password)

The computer list only holds the local machine and computers that are not on the net.

A) BoincTasks will check the entire net, this will take from 1 - 10 seconds to get all the connected computers.
B) BoincTasks will get the host name of all the connected computers and will add them, temporarily to the computer list.
C) BoincTasks will show all these computers.
D) At a specified interval BT will check if there are new computers with BOINC on the net and add them to the list.
E) Computers that are no longer in the net / unconnected, will be removed from the list.
Under Windows 7 it is best to let TThrottle run with administrator rights.

To do so:

Right click the programs executable, click Properties > Compatibility (tab)
under "Privilege Level" check the box that says "Run this program as an Administrator" > Apply > OK.

The only problem is you have to do this every time you install an new version.
Beta Testing / Testing Version 1.80
May 14, 2010, 01:23:43 PM
(Changed): Moved from compiler V 2005 to V 2010.
(Changed): Driver installer V 1.30 now shows Windows 7 machines.
(Changed): Rules tab -> Show running processes: Moved process fetch an calculations to another thread. Makes the load more distributed on multi-core CPU's.
The same thread determines the runtime % minimum threshold for the general throttle.
(Changed): General throttle: only throttles processes that use op more that 4% or a core time. This eliminates the huge list of background processes from throttling.
(Changed): Increased height of the dialog, needed as CPU's tend to get more cores.
(Changed: One unified installer for 32 and 64 bit.
(Fixed): A potential crash may occur. (Close an already closed handle).
Questions / Manual
May 12, 2010, 09:44:50 AM
I updated the manual. Please check it out, report any grammatical errors.

When you are missing something important, that new users should know, let me know.
FAQ / Filtering tasks
May 11, 2010, 01:32:14 PM
BoincTasks has several filters that combine tasks of the same project and name.
This will get you a way better, condensed view of what's going on.

Filters can be set and removed in the extra->Filter menu. These filters are set for all computers at the same time.

If you want to disable a filter quickly, just double click on a filtered group and the filter is temporarily removed and just for that one computer.
To enable the filter again, double click on any tasks, that was previously filtered and the filter is restored.
The computer side bar shows 2 icons that informs you about the connection status.

There is no connection.
There was a connection but now it's lost.

Clicking on the computer tab gives you some more information about a computer with no connection.

To reconnect:

Click on "all computers" in the computer sidebar or click on a single computer that you like to reconnect. This will start a reconnect sequence.

If you want BoincTasks to try reconnecting on a continues basis, set up a reconnect: Settings BoincTaks - > Extra and fill in 120 in the "= Reconnect every xx seconds".
This will autoconnect every 2 minutes. The downside is that this takes time and may slow down the viewing.

More information about why a connection is lost can be found in the computers tab.

You want more information in the logging?
Change the log.xml in C:\Program Files\eFMer\BoincTasks\log
Set this option:       <connecting>         1   </connecting>

You find a copy of log.xml in C:\Program Files\eFMer\BoincTasks\examples\log , copy the file to C:\Program Files\eFMer\BoincTasks\log and restart BoincTasks.
Beta Testing / 64 bit version
May 04, 2010, 06:20:03 PM
Has anyone got BT working on a 64 bit machine with a remote computer connection?
Beta Testing / Testing Version 1.76
April 20, 2010, 08:58:38 PM
V 1.76: Released April 2010

Changed: A special regulator with large amounts of processes.
Changed: The list is automatically rebuild quicker, when throttle levels are below 6% was 15%. (less overhead when the throttle is close to max).
Changed: Exclude BoincTasks.exe from the general throttle.
Changed: The general rule timer from 2 to 4 seconds.
Fixed: A rare TThrottle crash.
FAQ / Throttle virus scanner
April 18, 2010, 10:12:11 PM
Jim wrote this nice article that may help others.

o Comodo and avast! virus scan overheating solutions with TThrottle
o Rules question
o Configuration

1. Comodo and avast! virus scan overheating solutions
I'm running a GigaByte EX58-UD3R-SLI board (i7 processor) under Vista 64. I worked the last two days with TThrottle 1.75 trying to overcome a heating problem when BOINC tasks and COMODO Internet Security virus scans are running at the same time. I saw the hint on your forum to try Avast!, but this displays the same problem.

It turns out that both comodo and avast! have self protection features that disable throttling the scans. I've attached a PDF file with screen shots and instructions to disable these features and restore temperature control by TThrottle. The "protection" appears to make these exe files run as "SYSTEM"  rather than "Administrator" or "User". With the Task Manager, you can see the change.

See pdf below.

Jim uses the rules tab throttle.

This shouldn't happen but sometimes it does.
What to do: What to do if BoincTasks frequently crashes
Beta Testing / Testing Version 1.75
April 05, 2010, 09:51:51 PM
V 1.75

Changed: Processor Signature: 000006FD Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T5250  @ 1.50GHz : TJunction is now 85C.
Added: Catalan language.
TThrottle / Make a donation
March 19, 2010, 11:34:41 PM
If you like our program, help us to continue our work.

Using Paypal or a credit card.
Donate TThrottle

You can donate here in Crypto:  Coinbase

Every donation $50 and up will be shown in the about box.
BoincTasks / BoincTasks Donations
March 19, 2010, 11:27:37 PM
If you like our program, please help us continue our work and would like to make a donation:

Using Paypal or a credit card.
Donate BoincTasks
Currency: PayPal US Dollars. Check US Dollars.

You can donate here in Crypto:  Coinbase

Every donation $10 and up will be shown in the about box.

Beta Testing / Testing Version 1.74
February 09, 2010, 09:48:45 PM
V 1.74

The update dialog stayed on forever and blocked the program. Now the dialog is up for 1 minute.
In some cases the automatic detection of some projects like did not work. Additional checking added.
Restore the taskbar icon after a crash of explorer.exe.
Always show the graph after pressing the graph button. Sometimes it is hidden behind another window.