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Messages - fred

Questions / Re: Weird crash
June 08, 2009, 03:57:34 AM
Quote from: Soulmech on June 08, 2009, 03:50:17 AM
Quote from: fred on June 06, 2009, 05:10:50 AM
A lot... ;D

Can you send me a copy of C:\ProgramData\BOINC\projects ?  (Vista location).
So I can do a real time check what is causing this crash.
I know it's a lot, but I just don't feel like trimming any of them down. Plus, some computers I run BOINC on can't handle large projects, like aqua/cpdn/qmc that I would still like to run anyway.

How do you want me to send this to you? Do you want me to put it all in a large ZIP file? How will I transfer it to you>
B#O#I#N#C#& Leave out the # and & = @
A zip or rar file will work ok. And as much as you provider will allow you.
Questions / Re: Weird crash
June 06, 2009, 05:10:50 AM
A lot... ;D

Can you send me a copy of C:\ProgramData\BOINC\projects ?  (Vista location).
So I can do a real time check what is causing this crash.
Questions / Re: Weird crash
June 05, 2009, 04:03:51 AM
Quote from: Soulmech on June 05, 2009, 03:59:26 AM
Tried, no change.
Is the BOINC tab visible? And if so what projects do you see.
Set the CPU and GPU  temp to 100C. Wait for the Use CPU and GPU go to 100%.
Then select active.
Questions / Re: Weird crash
June 05, 2009, 03:57:41 AM
Quote from: Soulmech on June 04, 2009, 10:11:02 PM
EDIT: Now the program crashes every time I try to set Auto-Active, even though there's a value set for Core Temp.
Try removing the folding at home programs from the program list in the first program tab.
Questions / Re: Weird crash
June 04, 2009, 03:42:07 AM
Quote from: Soulmech on June 03, 2009, 11:24:16 PM
Ok start regedit (start->Run and type regedit ENTER) and if the program asks for  a password (in vista) login as the user that uses TThrottle.
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER->Software->eFMer->TThrottle and please write down the settings.

To save me time, here's a Print Screen:

Tell me what OS are you using 32/64 XP/Vista/Win7.

Vista 64

Go to the installation directory of TThrottle and start Installdriver and choose remove.
Delete the entire directory of TThrottle and  start the installation again

I've already uninstalled it/reinstalled it previously (including deleting the directory after uninstallation) with no success. It's currently uninstalled.
Ok another thing is might be go to Configuration screen -> Programs and look for the installed program Microsoft visual C++ 2005 Redistributable.
That part is tricky because it may be used by other programs.
Remove (deinstall) Microsoft visual C++ 2005 Redistributable and install TThrottle again.
In the registry delete the complete TThrottle tree.
Tell me when does it crash ... seconds after startup. Any message?
Questions / Re: Weird crash
June 03, 2009, 06:33:44 PM
Ok start regedit (start->Run and type regedit ENTER) and if the program asks for  a password (in vista) login as the user that uses TThrottle.
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER->Software->eFMer->TThrottle and please write down the settings.
Tell me what OS are you using 32/64 XP/Vista/Win7.
Go to the installation directory of TThrottle and start Installdriver and choose remove.
Delete the entire directory of TThrottle and  start the installation again.
Lets see what that does.
I've never seen that happen with exit. ;D
Will add another failsafe, to make sure there is plenty of time to stop the throttle.

Wish List / Re: E-mail various
June 03, 2009, 12:18:10 PM
Quote from: Corsair on June 03, 2009, 12:13:20 PM
I think that another email could be useful, "report email" in the logging tab,
that takes all the info in the log and send it to you (eFMer), with the same
presets for the smtp as the "freezzing email", in order to make easier for
testing, report of bugs, etc. purposes.  ???
I will, because this is very easy to add, I already have a working email program running, but.. when I have time.. ;D
Yes I have been thinking about that. But that is rather limited in information. But I could give the temp and the amount of throttle as a bar in the same icon.
I can do that or I can make a small floating window that you can put anywhere on the screen.
Done, It is include in the  1.59 version. ;D
Wish List / Re: A few minor changes
May 30, 2009, 06:37:14 AM
--> A check for whether or not a value for "Set Core" is present when Auto-Active is clicked (gave me an exception when there was no value present)
I can't reproduce this, can you tell me exactly what you did to let TThrottle crash.
But in any case it put in an extra check, in case the box is empty.
Quote from: Soulmech on May 30, 2009, 05:41:08 AM
Quote from: benDan on March 09, 2009, 04:21:40 PM
Actually I was only using the astropulse task as an example of a larger problem. I run BOINC in the background 24/7 and virus scans, disk defrags, internet explorer, and other tasks can push the temp accross the line even if boink programs are throttled back.
What I was asking for was a way to cut back on ANY high usage process if the temp got into the danger zone. This would be valuable for more than BOINC users.
I think this would be a great feature, as it would help me out as well.

If this is done though, it would be a good idea to add a "whitelist" for processes such as media players or web browsers that you want to exclude from the auto-detection feature.

The first item is on the todo list and I will check that when I have the time.
The second item is on the list now
Quote from: Soulmech on May 30, 2009, 05:50:42 AM
I can assist with the Spanish translation. I'm not a native speaker, but my family speaks some Spanish at home, and I have taken classes for a few years.
You can check the program for translations error, two always see more than one. I'm sure Corsair, who does the translation, doesn't mind if you give him some suggestions.
It should be fully Spanish as from 1.58
Wish List / Re: Fan 'control'
May 30, 2009, 06:14:38 AM
Quote from: Soulmech on May 30, 2009, 05:39:23 AM
I don't know much about hardware, but I can imagine that this is very machine-specific. Speedfan, a temperature monitor and fan regulator, allows the user to import configurations that are specific to that model of motherboard. Whether or not there is a more coarse-grained approach, I don't know.
Indeed very specific to the machine. And I personally don't like the idea, because you could easily get conflicts between other programs/drivers. You could even damage your computer if the fan doesn't work correctly.
Wish List / Re: A few minor changes
May 30, 2009, 06:10:41 AM
--> A check for whether or not a value for "Set Core" is present when Auto-Active is clicked (gave me an exception when there was no value present)
Thanks I added this to my bug list.
-->An easy way to add TThrottle to system startup, preferably as a service so that you don't have to login to run the program.
For now you have to add it to the "startup" manually so it starts automatically.
But it is on my todo list
-->An auto-conversion for "Set Core" when "View degrees in Fahrenheit" is changed. This would help to keep an inattentive user from allowing their system to heat up when the maximum temperature goes from 170F to 170C
I added this to my bug list.
-->Whenever TThrottle tries to monitor more than 6 processes at once, it crashes. Given that I have Folding@Home running alongside BOINC alongside P2P clients, I would like to be able to throttle more than 6 processes.
This I can't reproduce. I have TThrottle running on a 8 processor system with 2 Gpu's, so that's 10 programs/processes running.
What crashes; TThrottle or a program? Can you give me more details about what happens.