Oh well it changed on its own now displaying "goofyxGrid@Home NCI"

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Show posts Menu8:38:35 PM BoincTasks Js, V 2.2.
8:38:36 PM Système fonctionnant sur la plate-forme : darwin ,architecture x64.
8:38:38 PM Ordinateurs 4.
8:38:38 PM Connecté à :, Local machine.
8:38:39 PM Connecté à :, VM Debian.
8:38:39 PM Connecté à :, OVH.
8:38:35 PM BoincTasks Js, V 2.2.
8:38:35 PM Electron: V 25.8.0.
8:38:36 PM Node: V 18.15.0.
8:38:36 PM Système fonctionnant sur la plate-forme : darwin ,architecture x64.
8:38:36 PM Répertoire d'application : /Users/jerome.
8:38:36 PM Répertoire des données (appData) /Users/jerome/Library/Application Support.
8:38:36 PM Répertoire des données (userData) /Users/jerome/Library/Application Support/BoincTasks Js.
8:38:36 PM Local fr , FR.
8:38:38 PM main, showApp showArg: arg is empty.
8:38:38 PM main, showApp actual: true.
8:38:39 PM Lire l'état Local machine.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: https://sech.me/boinc/Amicable/ -> Amicable Numbers.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: https://asteroidsathome.net/boinc/ -> Asteroids@home.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: http://climateprediction.net/ -> climateprediction.net.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: https://boinc.thesonntags.com/collatz/ -> collatz.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: http://www.cosmologyathome.org/ -> Cosmology@Home.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: https://denis.usj.es/denisathome/ -> DENIS@home.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: https://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/ -> Einstein@Home.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: https://www.gpugrid.net/ -> GPUGRID.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: https://root.ithena.net/usr/ -> iThena.Measurements.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: http://www.kryptosathome.com/ -> Kryptos@Home.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: https://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/ -> LHC@home.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: https://lhcathomedev.cern.ch/lhcathome-dev/ -> lhcathome-dev.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: https://boinc.loda-lang.org/loda/ -> LODA.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: https://milkyway.cs.rpi.edu/milkyway/ -> Milkyway@Home.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: https://moowrap.net/ -> Moo! Wrapper.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: https://escatter11.fullerton.edu/nfs/ -> NFS@Home.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: https://numberfields.asu.edu/NumberFields/ -> NumberFields@home.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: https://www.primegrid.com/ -> PrimeGrid.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: https://quchempedia.univ-angers.fr/athome/ -> QuChemPedIA@home.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: https://ralph.bakerlab.org/ -> ralph@home.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: https://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta/ -> Rosetta@home.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: https://www.sidock.si/sidock/ -> SiDock@home.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: https://srbase.my-firewall.org/sr5/ -> SRBase.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: http://gene.disi.unitn.it/test/ -> TN-Grid Platform.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: http://bearnol.is-a-geek.com/wanless2/ -> wanless2.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/ -> World Community Grid.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: http://wuprop.boinc-af.org/ -> WUProp@Home.
8:38:39 PM buildCache add: Local machine URL: https://www.rechenkraft.net/yoyo/ -> yoyo@home.
8:38:41 PM Lire l'état OVH.
8:38:41 PM Lire l'état VM Debian.
8:38:41 PM buildCache add: VM Debian URL: http://gerasim.boinc.ru/ -> Gerasim@home.
8:38:41 PM buildCache add: VM Debian URL: https://root.ithena.net/usr/ -> iThena.Measurements.
8:38:41 PM buildCache add: VM Debian URL: https://boinc.multi-pool.info/latinsquares/ -> latinsquares.
8:38:41 PM buildCache add: VM Debian URL: https://lhcathomedev.cern.ch/lhcathome-dev/ -> lhcathome-dev.
8:38:41 PM buildCache add: VM Debian URL: https://boinc.progger.info/odlk/ -> odlk.
8:38:41 PM buildCache add: VM Debian URL: https://rnma.xyz/boinc/ -> RamanujanMachine.
8:38:41 PM buildCache add: VM Debian URL: https://universeathome.pl/universe/ -> Universe@Home.
8:38:41 PM buildCache add: VM Debian URL: http://wuprop.boinc-af.org/ -> WUProp@Home.
8:38:41 PM buildCache poject name short: OVH URL: http://gaiaathome.eu/gaiaathome/ -> .
8:38:41 PM buildCache poject name short: OVH URL: http://www.vdwnumbers.org/ -> .
8:38:41 PM buildCache add: OVH URL: https://climateprediction.net/ -> climateprediction.net.
8:38:41 PM buildCache add: OVH URL: https://denis.usj.es/denisathome/ -> DENIS@home.
8:38:41 PM buildCache add: OVH URL: https://comp.ithena.net/usr/ -> iThena.Computational.
8:38:41 PM buildCache add: OVH URL: https://root.ithena.net/usr/ -> iThena.Measurements.
8:38:41 PM buildCache add: OVH URL: https://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/ -> LHC@home.
8:38:41 PM buildCache add: OVH URL: https://lhcathomedev.cern.ch/lhcathome-dev/ -> lhcathome-dev.
8:38:41 PM buildCache add: OVH URL: https://boinc.loda-lang.org/loda/ -> LODA.
8:38:41 PM buildCache add: OVH URL: http://boincvm.proxyma.ru:30080/test4vm/ -> PRIVATE GFN SERVER.
8:38:41 PM buildCache add: OVH URL: https://rnma.xyz/boinc/ -> RamanujanMachine.
8:38:41 PM buildCache add: OVH URL: https://www.sidock.si/sidock/ -> SiDock@home.
8:38:41 PM buildCache add: OVH URL: http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/ -> World Community Grid.
8:38:41 PM buildCache add: OVH URL: http://wuprop.boinc-af.org/ -> WUProp@Home.
8:38:41 PM buildCache add: OVH URL: https://www.rechenkraft.net/yoyo/ -> yoyo@home.
8:39:15 PM Lire l'état OVH.
8:39:15 PM buildCache poject name short: OVH URL: http://gaiaathome.eu/gaiaathome/ -> .
8:39:15 PM buildCache poject name short: OVH URL: http://www.vdwnumbers.org/ -> .
QuoteBoincTasks Js, V 1.2322:23:33 Consignation des erreurs [StatisticsBoinc,statisticsStart,DBS_MONTH] Unexpected token « in JSON at position 1
SyntaxError: Unexpected token « in JSON at position 1
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at BrowserWindow.<anonymous> (/Applications/Boinctasks Js.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/boinctasks/rpc/settings/statistics_boinc.js:95:63)
at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:421:28)
at BrowserWindow.emit (events.js:315:20)
at electron/js2c/browser_init.js:161:12682
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:75:11).
22:24:27 Consignation des erreurs [StatisticsBoinc,statisticsStart,DBS_MONTH] Unexpected token « in JSON at position 1
SyntaxError: Unexpected token « in JSON at position 1
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at BrowserWindow.<anonymous> (/Applications/Boinctasks Js.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/boinctasks/rpc/settings/statistics_transfer_boinc.js:89:72)
at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:421:28)
at BrowserWindow.emit (events.js:315:20)
at electron/js2c/browser_init.js:161:12682
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:75:11).
22:25:17 Consignation des erreurs [StatisticsBoinc,statisticsStart,DBS_MONTH] Unexpected token « in JSON at position 1
SyntaxError: Unexpected token « in JSON at position 1
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at BrowserWindow.<anonymous> (/Applications/Boinctasks Js.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/boinctasks/rpc/settings/statistics_boinc.js:95:63)
at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:421:28)
at BrowserWindow.emit (events.js:315:20)
at electron/js2c/browser_init.js:161:12682
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:75:11).
19:22:03 Consignation des erreurs [StatisticsBoinc,statisticsStart,DBS_MONTH] Unexpected token « in JSON at position 1
SyntaxError: Unexpected token « in JSON at position 1
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at BrowserWindow.<anonymous> (/Applications/Boinctasks Js.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/boinctasks/rpc/settings/statistics_boinc.js:95:63)
at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:421:28)
at BrowserWindow.emit (events.js:315:20)
at electron/js2c/browser_init.js:161:12682
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:75:11).
19:28:28 Consignation des erreurs [StatisticsBoinc,statisticsStart,DBS_MONTH] Unexpected token « in JSON at position 1
SyntaxError: Unexpected token « in JSON at position 1
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at BrowserWindow.<anonymous> (/Applications/Boinctasks Js.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/boinctasks/rpc/settings/statistics_boinc.js:95:63)
at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:421:28)
at BrowserWindow.emit (events.js:315:20)
at electron/js2c/browser_init.js:161:12682
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:75:11).