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Messages - Richard Haselgrove

Beta Testing / Testing app beta v1.5 23/11/2020
November 23, 2020, 05:04:16 PM
Thanks for the extra features - they make life here much easier. All seem to work as advertised.

But I still get that 'no WiFi' and I still haven't connected from either (Windows) BOINC Manager or boinccmd. BOINC for Android still detects the same IP address, and the tablet responds normally to a ping to that address. I'll try a Linux Manager next.

Edit - no, Linux couldn't connect either. Just sat there, saying 'connecting' - no error messge.
Beta Testing / Re: Testing app release v1.4 20/11/2020
November 23, 2020, 04:55:51 PM
Thanks. Before testing that, I had one last go at v1.4

Remembering a mantra I often use, "every wire has two ends" - including wireless ones. I had a suspicion that a recent AV/firewall update might have blocked unexpected outbound connections, so I've moved to my normal daily driver, which is already monitoring the rest of the shrubbery. Nada. I can ping the Samsung tablet, but even boinccmd can only return "can't connect to [IP address]".

Switching to a new thread for v1.5
Beta Testing / Re: Testing app release v1.4 20/11/2020
November 22, 2020, 03:13:09 PM
1) Yes, and it's clearly an IP address supplied by the DHCP server in my WiFi router.
2) Thanks
3) and more thanks
Beta Testing / Re: Testing app release v1.4 20/11/2020
November 22, 2020, 02:03:02 PM
Sorry to say, I'm not getting very far with this. I meant to test yesterday, but hit the same snag as cristipurdel - reverted to the test 7.16.3 apk, but didn't notice that your version had started in the background, and the work wasn't completed overnight.

Gave it another try today, checking very carefully that I filled in every option as required. Even filled in the 'allowed GUI IP address', as both a.b.c.d precise and a.b.c class C subnet, and as both WiFi address and generic address. Not using secure password, attempting connection from a recent Windows Manager - I could see it trying repeatedly, but getting no response. Still seeing 'No WiFi' in your app, even after stopping and restarting the client long after WiFi connection has established itself after a restart.

The other points - landscape mode. I accept it's a bit of a chore, but on this tablet the power connection is on the rhs when in landscape, at the bottom in portrait mode. For an app which has to have permanent power, portrait is difficult - won't stand up where I can see it because the cord is in the way.

Would it be possible to add a 'launch at startup' toggle in the local controls? I'd prefer not to have to open and stop this app to allow 7.16.3 to run during testing.
Beta Testing / Re: Testing app release v1.4 20/11/2020
November 20, 2020, 06:07:25 PM
As a tablet, it's basically 'WiFi only' - that was working fine until (I think) a router reboot two days ago. There were finished tasks in the Berkeley app, unreported. I used 'settings' to reconnect the WiFi (which should have been automatic), and it has remained connected ever since - upload, report, update machine, browse the web, download your app.

Yes, it found and displayed an IP address in my home LAN's DHCP range, but I didn't succeed in attaching to it. I also found the 'Log to file' control, but the 'No WiFi' message appears before the log starts up, and isn't captured in the file.

I've paused the experiments for tonight, and I'll give it another try in the morning.
Beta Testing / Testing app release v1.4 20/11/2020
November 20, 2020, 05:08:04 PM

Samsung Galaxy Tab A 2019 10.1 Inch 32GB
ARM ARMv8 Processor rev 4 (v8l) [Impl 0x41 Arch 8 Variant 0x0 Part 0xd03 Rev 4]
Android 4.4.177-19577611 (Android 10)

Major snag - second line after startup

[time]:Connection:No Wifi

but it does know (correctly) the current IP address, which has just downloaded the apk correctly...

Apart from that,
1) This tablet had a stand for landscape mode - that would be a good addition.
2) I can't find a way to uninstall it between test runs - old Berkeley beta apk appears in the app store 'installed apps' list (although it didn't come from the app store), but this one doesn't.
Questions / Re: Algorithm for 'CPU efficiency'
August 20, 2015, 11:07:32 AM
Quote from: fred on August 20, 2015, 10:56:33 AM
Quote from: Richard Haselgrove on August 20, 2015, 10:40:55 AM
But hang on - where's elapsed time? Don't tell me that David has recycled a label again?
Got 2 doubles only valid on a running task:

Ratio = delta current_cpu_time / delta elapsed_time

Perhaps they added elapsed_time to the GUI RPC output, but didn't retro-fit it to boinccmd? I picked "--get_simple_gui_info", because that *only* outputs running tasks ("active_task_state: EXECUTING") - but elapsed time is missing for the --tasks output too. I'll do some more digging around.
Questions / Re: Algorithm for 'CPU efficiency'
August 20, 2015, 10:40:55 AM
Yes, I thought that might be the case. I think your predecessor - BoincView - averages the last ten sample points: I have the sample interval set at 30 seconds, and it can take 5 minutes for a new task to settle.

I can't find a scriptable way of monitoring a single process in Windows. Somebody on the CMS-dev board suggested

wmic cpu get loadpercentage

but that just gets the total machine loading - not even 'per core'. I got as far as

wmic process where name="vboxheadless.exe" get UserModeTime

(no loadpercentage available) - but then we're back to interval timing, so we may as well do it using the BOINC tools. boinccmd's --get_simple_gui_info output:

Quote======== Tasks ========
1) -----------
   name: CMS_4352_1427806758.445768_0
   WU name: CMS_4352_1427806758.445768
   project URL:
   report deadline: Wed Aug 26 09:28:07 2015
   ready to report: no
   got server ack: no
   final CPU time: 0.000000
   state: downloaded
   scheduler state: scheduled
   exit_status: 0
   signal: 0
   suspended via GUI: no
   active_task_state: EXECUTING
   app version num: 4617
   checkpoint CPU time: 18508.660000
   current CPU time: 18557.180000
   fraction done: 0.233817
   swap size: 117 MB
   working set size: 477 MB
   estimated CPU time remaining: 52081.563976

is probably good enough for now.

But hang on - where's elapsed time? Don't tell me that David has recycled a label again?

Edit - no, panic over. CPU time is CPU time - the one I'm looking for. Elapsed time is simply missing.
Questions / Re: Algorithm for 'CPU efficiency'
August 20, 2015, 08:07:24 AM
Quote from: fred on August 19, 2015, 05:30:52 PM
You mean the column CPU %?
Yes, that would be the one.
Questions / Algorithm for 'CPU efficiency'
August 19, 2015, 04:55:47 PM
Fred, please could you post (or email me) the algorithm you use for calculating the CPU efficiency of an individual running BOINC task?

It would be useful for the CERN projects which run their own tasks inside a virtual machine: a script monitoring CPU efficiency could tell whether the CERN server was keeping the VM supplied with tasks, and trigger a tweak to <max_ncpus_pct> (by swapping global_prefs_override.xml files) to allow another BOINC project to use the VM core when idle.