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Messages - idahofisherman

Beta Testing / Re: BT 1.20 using 95 percent of CPU
November 14, 2011, 04:31:37 AM
I did as you asked, and it was only the main program no underlining threads.
This has been happening since 1.20, but have not been able to pin point it to any thing specific.  It alo seems to cause the boincmgr to crash with invalid password supplied.  When I reconnect using localhost the boincmgr comes  up alright.  Exiting Boinctasks and restarting it allows it to run for a while, but continues to slowly build up the CPU usage until the computer becomes unusable and the boincmgr loses its connection to the client.

Are there any suggestions as to  how to track this down.  Its become a pain in the butt. because I can not leave boinctasks unattended for more than 12 hours.
Beta Testing / Re: BT 1.25
November 03, 2011, 08:35:00 PM
I have been having trouble with BT using to Much CPU (98%) since about BT 1.23.  I finally changed the history to  120 seconds from 15.  This seems to have fixed the cpu problem, but now I have increased "Missed" instead of Report OK. 

Is there a time limit for missed?

Beta Testing / Re: BT 1.23
October 09, 2011, 05:45:48 AM
I had trouble after installing 1.23 using the standard download and install mechinisms. It continuously crashed.  I had to delete the current BT 1.23 use the mircosoft function of add/remove programs.  Then deleted all the folders in efmer folder, but left the preferences files untouched.  Then I downloaded 1.23 again and installed it, now everything works fine.
Beta Testing / Re: BT 1.20 using 95 percent of CPU
September 19, 2011, 11:27:51 PM
Do you have TThrottle enabled?
Are all computers still connected?
Do you use static IP addresses.
Beta Testing / BT 1.20 using 95 percent of CPU
September 11, 2011, 04:12:58 PM
After BT 1.20 has ran for a few hours, it begins to use more and more CPU time.  I usually catch it around 80 to 95 %.  Every thing looks okay on the task tab, so I notice that it is not responding to tab changes.

Is there some debug info I can send you or use to capture some data.  Closing and restarting takes care of the problem, but hate to leave the computer unattended as I am going away for a four day  weekend.
Wish List / Re: Filter for history tab
September 11, 2011, 03:23:10 AM
I"ll amen this  also.  Would be helpful in certain situations.
Beta Testing / Re: BT 1.20
September 05, 2011, 05:21:41 PM
it happens when I switch from Projects to Tasks, transfers to tasks, Notices to tasks, and History to tasks.

I see what you are saying the data is updated immediately on a tab switch, and the timer is reset to the max time.  I didnt notice the data being updated before.   

Thanks for the explanation.
I don't know if this is suppose to work this way or not, but everytime I switch from one tab to the task tab,  the update time gets reset to the maximum that I have set in the preferences.  I would think that the update time should continue not get reset to the stipulated update time.
I unchecked skin in view.
Thank you very much.   That took care of it.

Love BT and thanks for all your hard work.
Beta Testing / BT 117 Bicolored select Line Annoying
August 20, 2011, 11:27:58 PM
The new bicolored selected line  indicator  :o makes it hard to read the data under the select line.  It should be changed to just one color so that the eyes do not have to adjust so  much to read the data selected.   This must really be bad for color blind persons.  Its just cosmatic, but annoying. :-\
Beta Testing / BT 1.15
August 10, 2011, 09:17:49 AM
Group not being saved across exit and start.  When Mutiple groups are selected, they are not saved across exiting and restarting.  Always seems to default to first group.  Am running XP3 with all fixes.
Beta Testing / Re: BT 1.14
August 03, 2011, 03:44:11 PM
Unchecked everything and restarted BT.

Seems to be okay.
Beta Testing / Re: BT 1.14
August 03, 2011, 05:44:24 AM
Sorry it took so long to get back to you, but I  have been  having internet problems all day.  Seems to  have settled down.  All my computers are set to  keep one days work extra incase of internet failure.  I am running BOINC  6.13.1.  It kind of looks that BT is not recognizing that the internet is down so it keeps trying to get work.

Here is the last part of the log  just before closing BT.:

02 August 2011 - 21:44:05 Html create ---- ERROR: Unable to find: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\tasks_template.html
02 August 2011 - 21:44:05 Start Ftp ---- ERROR: Unable to start: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\ftp.bat
02 August 2011 - 21:49:58 Update State ---- Host:, Rpc Thread ID: 6008, wu_1312331924_5415_0
02 August 2011 - 21:50:05 Html create ---- ERROR: Unable to find: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\tasks_template.html
02 August 2011 - 21:50:05 Start Ftp ---- ERROR: Unable to start: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\ftp.bat
02 August 2011 - 21:56:05 Html create ---- ERROR: Unable to find: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\tasks_template.html
02 August 2011 - 21:56:05 Start Ftp ---- ERROR: Unable to start: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\ftp.bat
02 August 2011 - 22:02:05 Html create ---- ERROR: Unable to find: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\tasks_template.html
02 August 2011 - 22:02:05 Start Ftp ---- ERROR: Unable to start: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\ftp.bat
02 August 2011 - 22:07:29 Update State ---- Host:, Rpc Thread ID: 6008, wu_1312331924_5999_0
02 August 2011 - 22:08:05 Html create ---- ERROR: Unable to find: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\tasks_template.html
02 August 2011 - 22:08:05 Start Ftp ---- ERROR: Unable to start: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\ftp.bat
02 August 2011 - 22:14:05 Html create ---- ERROR: Unable to find: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\tasks_template.html
02 August 2011 - 22:14:05 Start Ftp ---- ERROR: Unable to start: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\ftp.bat
02 August 2011 - 22:19:07 OnTimerDlg ---- Thread timeout, will restart.
02 August 2011 - 22:19:07 BoincTasks is closing down all threads
02 August 2011 - 22:21:08 ERROR: Not closed down properly ---- BOINC3 
02 August 2011 - 22:21:08 BoincTasks has closed down all threads
02 August 2011 - 22:21:09 BoincTasks version: 1.14
02 August 2011 - 22:21:09 Maximum number of computers: Unlimited
02 August 2011 - 22:21:09 Computers ---- BOINC3 ,
02 August 2011 - 22:21:09 Computers ---- BOINC2 ,
02 August 2011 - 22:21:09 Computers ---- BOINC1 ,
02 August 2011 - 22:21:09 Computers ---- BARBRAS-LAPTOP ,
02 August 2011 - 22:21:09 Computers ---- johns-laptop ,
02 August 2011 - 22:21:09 Computers ---- localhost get local password: (C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\BOINC\\gui_rpc_auth.cfg) f6ac68c0ddd184ae0ed4c7840bbcd4b1
02 August 2011 - 22:21:10 Computers ---- Elements , localhost
02 August 2011 - 22:21:10 Computers ---- office ,
02 August 2011 - 22:21:10 Connect ---- Connected to: Host:, BOINC2, Port: 31416, BOINC Version: 6.12.26
02 August 2011 - 22:21:10 Connect ---- Connected to: Host:, BOINC1, Port: 31416, BOINC Version: 6.12.33
02 August 2011 - 22:21:10 Connect ---- Connected to: Host: localhost, Elements, Port: 31416, BOINC Version: 6.13.1
02 August 2011 - 22:21:10 Connect ---- Connected to: Host:, office, Port: 31416, BOINC Version: 6.12.33
02 August 2011 - 22:21:10 Html create ---- ERROR: Unable to find: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\tasks_template.html
02 August 2011 - 22:21:10 Start Ftp ---- ERROR: Unable to start: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\ftp.bat
02 August 2011 - 22:21:10 Connect, init ---- Host:, BOINC3,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:21:10 Connect, init ---- Host:, johns-laptop,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:21:22 Connect ---- Connected to: Host:, BARBRAS-LAPTOP, Port: 31416, BOINC Version: 6.12.33
02 August 2011 - 22:24:10 Regulator, flushing ---- Host: localhost, Elements, WU now: 3, WU needed: 1
02 August 2011 - 22:24:10 Regulator, set work buffer ---- Host: localhost, Elements, WU now: 3, WU needed: 1, Set days: 1.00
02 August 2011 - 22:24:11 Connect, init ---- Host:, johns-laptop,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:24:19 Connect, init ---- Host:, BOINC3,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:26:46 Connect, init ---- Host:, BOINC3,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:27:07 Connect, init ---- Host:, johns-laptop,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:27:11 Connect ---- Connected to: Host:, BARBRAS-LAPTOP,Port: 31417, TThrottle Version: 4.30
02 August 2011 - 22:27:11 Html create ---- ERROR: Unable to find: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\tasks_template.html
02 August 2011 - 22:27:11 Start Ftp ---- ERROR: Unable to start: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\ftp.bat
02 August 2011 - 22:29:21 Connect, init ---- Host:, johns-laptop,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:29:40 Connect, init ---- Host:, BOINC3,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:31:52 Connect, init ---- Host:, BOINC3,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:32:18 Connect, init ---- Host:, johns-laptop,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:33:11 Html create ---- ERROR: Unable to find: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\tasks_template.html
02 August 2011 - 22:33:18 Start Ftp ---- ERROR: Unable to start: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\ftp.bat
02 August 2011 - 22:34:49 Connect, init ---- Host:, johns-laptop,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:34:52 Connect, init ---- Host:, BOINC3,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:37:19 Connect, init ---- Host:, BOINC3,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:37:54 Connect, init ---- Host:, johns-laptop,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:39:20 Html create ---- ERROR: Unable to find: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\tasks_template.html
02 August 2011 - 22:39:59 Start Ftp ---- ERROR: Unable to start: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\ftp.bat
02 August 2011 - 22:40:00 Connect, init ---- Host:, johns-laptop,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:40:00 Connect, init ---- Host:, BOINC3,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:40:03 Update State ---- Host:, Rpc Thread ID: 4240, wu_1310899542_177818_1
02 August 2011 - 22:42:21 Connect, init ---- Host:, BOINC3,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:46:13 Connect, init ---- Host:, johns-laptop,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:46:26 Html create ---- ERROR: Unable to find: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\tasks_template.html
02 August 2011 - 22:46:26 Start Ftp ---- ERROR: Unable to start: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\ftp.bat
02 August 2011 - 22:46:27 Connect, init ---- Host:, BOINC3,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:46:27 Connect, init ---- Host:, johns-laptop,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:49:27 Connect, init ---- Host:, BOINC3,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:49:27 Connect, init ---- Host:, johns-laptop,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:52:09 Connect, init ---- Host:, johns-laptop,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:52:12 Connect, init ---- Host:, BOINC3,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:52:26 Html create ---- ERROR: Unable to find: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\tasks_template.html
02 August 2011 - 22:52:26 Start Ftp ---- ERROR: Unable to start: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\ftp.bat
02 August 2011 - 22:54:13 Connect, init ---- Host:, johns-laptop,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:54:21 Connect, init ---- Host:, BOINC3,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:56:17 Connect, init ---- Host:, BOINC3,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:56:17 Connect, init ---- Host:, johns-laptop,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:58:26 Html create ---- ERROR: Unable to find: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\tasks_template.html
02 August 2011 - 22:58:26 Start Ftp ---- ERROR: Unable to start: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\ftp.bat
02 August 2011 - 22:58:27 Connect, init ---- Host:, johns-laptop,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 22:58:35 Connect, init ---- Host:, BOINC3,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 23:00:16 Update State ---- Host:, Rpc Thread ID: 4240, fh_ci_0_35033276_61_0
02 August 2011 - 23:01:27 Connect, init ---- Host:, johns-laptop,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 23:01:27 Connect, init ---- Host:, BOINC3,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 23:04:26 Html create ---- ERROR: Unable to find: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\tasks_template.html
02 August 2011 - 23:04:26 Start Ftp ---- ERROR: Unable to start: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\ftp.bat
02 August 2011 - 23:04:27 Connect, init ---- Host:, johns-laptop,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 23:04:27 Connect, init ---- Host:, BOINC3,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 23:07:27 Connect, init ---- Host:, BOINC3,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 23:07:27 Connect, init ---- Host:, johns-laptop,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 23:10:25 Connect, init ---- Host:, BOINC3,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 23:10:25 Connect, init ---- Host:, johns-laptop,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 23:10:26 Html create ---- ERROR: Unable to find: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\tasks_template.html
02 August 2011 - 23:10:26 Start Ftp ---- ERROR: Unable to start: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\ftp.bat
02 August 2011 - 23:12:29 Connect, init ---- Host:, johns-laptop,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 23:12:41 Connect, init ---- Host:, BOINC3,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 23:14:33 Connect, init ---- Host:, BOINC3,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 23:14:33 Connect, init ---- Host:, johns-laptop,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 23:16:26 Html create ---- ERROR: Unable to find: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\tasks_template.html
02 August 2011 - 23:16:26 Start Ftp ---- ERROR: Unable to start: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\ftp.bat
02 August 2011 - 23:17:03 Connect, init ---- Host:, johns-laptop,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 23:17:11 Connect, init ---- Host:, BOINC3,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 23:18:02 Update State ---- Host:, Rpc Thread ID: 4240, 1685261387_394247_0
02 August 2011 - 23:19:27 Connect, init ---- Host:, BOINC3,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 23:19:27 Connect, init ---- Host:, johns-laptop,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 23:21:27 Html create ---- ERROR: Unable to find: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\tasks_template.html
02 August 2011 - 23:21:27 Start Ftp ---- ERROR: Unable to start: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\ftp.bat
02 August 2011 - 23:21:28 Connect, init ---- Host:, BOINC3,Port: 31416, connection error
02 August 2011 - 23:21:28 Connect, init ---- Host:, johns-laptop,Port: 31416, connection error