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Messages - idahofisherman

Beta Testing / Re: BT 1.14 Kooping
August 02, 2011, 05:09:58 AM
According to the Task master BT is using 95 to 98% of the CPU.  It is also reloading the preferences every few minutes.  Have any ideas?  I have to close and open BT to get it cleared.

What can I gather to help solve this problem?  I am running XP3 with all  t he latest fixes.

It is monitoring a local home network of seven computers, approximately 11 tasks are running, and 37 tasks are either waiting to run or start.


2271         01-08-2011 05:57 AM   General prefs: from (last modified 08-Apr-2011 20:58:35)   
2272         01-08-2011 05:57 AM   Host location: none   
2273         01-08-2011 05:57 AM   General prefs: using your defaults   
2274         01-08-2011 05:57 AM   Reading preferences override file   
2275         01-08-2011 05:57 AM   Preferences:   
2276         01-08-2011 05:57 AM      max memory usage when active: 1842.06MB   
2277         01-08-2011 05:57 AM      max memory usage when idle: 2046.73MB   
2278         01-08-2011 05:57 AM      max disk usage: 16.56GB   
2279         01-08-2011 05:57 AM      don't use GPU while active   
2280         01-08-2011 05:57 AM      suspend work if non-BOINC CPU load exceeds 95 %   
2281         01-08-2011 05:57 AM      (to change preferences, visit the web site of an attached project, or select Preferences in the Manager)   
2282         01-08-2011 06:02 AM   General prefs: from (last modified 08-Apr-2011 20:58:35)   
2283         01-08-2011 06:02 AM   Host location: none   
2284         01-08-2011 06:02 AM   General prefs: using your defaults   
2285         01-08-2011 06:02 AM   Reading preferences override file   
2286         01-08-2011 06:02 AM   Preferences:   
2287         01-08-2011 06:02 AM      max memory usage when active: 1842.06MB   
2288         01-08-2011 06:02 AM      max memory usage when idle: 2046.73MB   
2289         01-08-2011 06:02 AM      max disk usage: 16.56GB   
2290         01-08-2011 06:02 AM      don't use GPU while active   
2291         01-08-2011 06:02 AM      suspend work if non-BOINC CPU load exceeds 95 %   
2292         01-08-2011 06:02 AM      (to change preferences, visit the web site of an attached project, or select Preferences in the Manager)   
2293         01-08-2011 06:04 AM   Resuming computation   
2294         01-08-2011 06:10 AM   General prefs: from (last modified 08-Apr-2011 20:58:35)   
2295         01-08-2011 06:10 AM   Host location: none   
2296         01-08-2011 06:10 AM   General prefs: using your defaults   
2297         01-08-2011 06:10 AM   Reading preferences override file   
2298         01-08-2011 06:10 AM   Preferences:   
2299         01-08-2011 06:10 AM      max memory usage when active: 1842.06MB   
2300         01-08-2011 06:10 AM      max memory usage when idle: 2046.73MB   
2301         01-08-2011 06:10 AM      max disk usage: 16.56GB   
2302         01-08-2011 06:10 AM      don't use GPU while active   
2303         01-08-2011 06:10 AM      suspend work if non-BOINC CPU load exceeds 95 %   
2304         01-08-2011 06:10 AM      (to change preferences, visit the web site of an attached project, or select Preferences in the Manager)   
2305         01-08-2011 06:30 AM   General prefs: from (last modified 08-Apr-2011 20:58:35)   
2306         01-08-2011 06:30 AM   Host location: none   
2307         01-08-2011 06:30 AM   General prefs: using your defaults   
2308         01-08-2011 06:30 AM   Reading preferences override file   
2309         01-08-2011 06:30 AM   Preferences:   
2310         01-08-2011 06:30 AM      max memory usage when active: 1842.06MB   
2311         01-08-2011 06:30 AM      max memory usage when idle: 2046.73MB   
2312         01-08-2011 06:30 AM      max disk usage: 16.56GB   
2313         01-08-2011 06:30 AM      don't use GPU while active   
2314         01-08-2011 06:30 AM      suspend work if non-BOINC CPU load exceeds 95 %   
2315         01-08-2011 06:30 AM      (to change preferences, visit the web site of an attached project, or select Preferences in the Manager)   
Sorry forgot to mention I am running on an XP3 system, BOinc 6.13.1, and BT 1.12.

Receive the following errors when ever Chess960@home is running.  I place this error here because the missing files are in the BT\html\ folder.  Have also added this to the Chess@home forum.

Re21 July 2011 - 19:41:42 Html create ---- ERROR: Unable to find: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\tasks_template.html
21 July 2011 - 19:41:42 Start Ftp ---- ERROR: Unable to start: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\html\ftp.bat
I found two places that you get lower case suspend.   1) When there is a specific program running that  matches a program in the config.  file.  2) When the non-Boinc cpu usages passes the criteria set..
I sorry I didnt explain it better to you.  By sorting tasks on Status column and using decending, the "suspended" tasks end up at the bottom of the list, instead of after "Waiting" tasks and before "Running" tasks.  Which is the way it worked before BT1.12.  Don't get me wrong I like the changes you made to BT1.12, it seems to be a sorting problem or that suspended is not Capitalized.
I ususally run my BT is desending  order as it make more sense to me.  Since BT1.12 went into effect the suppended tasks come at the bottom instead of in sequence.  I have not made any  changes using the new task sequence window.   See below:

Waiting to run   primaboinca   7.05 primaboinca   uc_1309982941_201433990395_1   02:01:03 (01:51:29)   58.876   01:22:48   06d,00:09:00   BARBRAS-LAPTOP         
Waiting to run   World Community Grid   6.40 Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2   op438_00030_5   04:43:06 (04:23:55)   41.176   06:54:11   09d,03:39:55   BARBRAS-LAPTOP         
Waiting to run   SLinCA@Home   32.25 heavy_lodci32x001v0p25T1 - MIN:runtime~16h(2h checkpoint),RAM~540MB,HDD~60MB   6e1189e3-a779-4fcb-881d-dfb6a7aa9589_2d7140b0-501f-44df-bb3e-8b509205e2bb_409_0   - (-)   0.000   03:45:26   11d,01:11:03   johns-laptop         
Waiting to run   ABC@home   2.10 ABC sieving finder   abc_sieve_wu_03847042_0   16:05:23 (09:26:44)   96.985   00:29:59   07d,19:44:38   johns-laptop         
Waiting to run   Docking   6.23 Charmm 34a2   1iiq1hvi_mod0014crossdockinghiv1_1151_159571_0   11:45:46 (04:32:37)   87.625   01:39:24   08d,09:18:08   johns-laptop         
Waiting to run   World Community Grid   6.40 Computing for Clean Water   c4cw_target04_042974129_0   09:27:18 (03:49:11)   48.497   08:47:40   05d,00:33:59   johns-laptop         
Waiting to run   Enigma@Home   5.26 Enigma 0.76b   rxpsb107-p2_0_13709036_5300_0   01:32:50 (00:14:22)   5.160   10:24:39   13d,06:16:08   johns-laptop         
Waiting to run   CPDN Beta   6.11 UK Met Office FAMOUS   famous_s380_599_200_000222357_2   21d,06:50:13 (16d,16:10:17)   93.654   01d,10:39:31   18d,12:11:13   office         
Waiting to run   yoyo@home   1.12 evolution@home   evo_A1306385408-101-0_42.9MB_79.92_2   08:56:19 (07:42:47)   28.501   01d,08:20:52   17d,05:24:41   office         
Waiting to run   Cosmology@Home   2.16 CAMB   wu_070911_015142_0_1_0   04:52:24 (04:04:03)   41.988   06:20:33   10d,01:02:39   office         
Waiting to run   Constellation   0.06 TrackJack   trackjack_hyend_www.hybrid-triebwerk.de_2011-07-03_00_76240_2   05:04:05 (03:46:17)   15.175   12:33:02   09d,01:21:34   office         
Waiting to run   Einstein@Home   1.01 Gravitational Wave S6 GC search (SSE2)   h1_0330.20_S6GC1__1594_S6BucketA_0   03:59:49 (03:24:21)   28.106   07:57:01   09d,01:31:11   office         
Waiting to run   Docking   6.23 Charmm 34a2   1m0b1hvi_mod0014crossdockinghiv1_4055_483005_0   08:05:17 (01:22:27)   20.800   16:55:19   10d,12:13:15   office         
Waiting to run   SETI@home Beta Test   6.95 SETI@home v7   07mr11ah.378.9474.206158430215.14.37_2   05:27:16 (03:59:20)   27.340   12:44:00   45d,18:40:53   office         
Waiting to run   SETI@home   6.03 SETI@home Enhanced   20ap11ab.20251.4157.11.10.93.vlar_1   01:00:35 (00:41:15)   3.889   16:49:24   43d,20:14:12   office         
Waiting to run   rosetta@home   3.14 Rosetta Mini   IF3_like_i176_007_28594_948_0   01:00:27 (00:47:23)   19.671   03:24:15   07d,11:02:48   office         
Running High P., Deadline warning   DistrRTgen   3.24 Distributed Rainbow Table Generator (distrrtgen)   5195556 md5_numeric#1-14_3_60000x500000 - 24673500000_0   07:25:39 (02:12:14)   64.948   03:50:09   07:01:49   johns-laptop      62.6 °C   
Running High P.   4.87 Blender   ses0000003192frm0000000118prt00001_13   00:43:28 (00:20:28)   0.855   05:18:18   16:52:42   johns-laptop      62.6 °C   
Running <   Radioactive@Home   1.09 Radioactivity Monitor   sample_39210_0   00:44:05 (-)   5.789   11:57:36   13d,20:19:21   BARBRAS-LAPTOP   0.025C   78.5 °C   
Running <   Radioactive@Home   1.09 Radioactivity Monitor   sample_39229_0   01:50:49 (-)   12.004   13:32:27   13d,19:12:36   Elements   0.025C      
Running <   Radioactive@Home   1.09 Radioactivity Monitor   sample_39086_0   01:14:12 (-)   8.926   12:37:16   13d,19:49:12   johns-laptop   0.025C   62.6 °C   
Running   ABC@home   2.10 ABC sieving finder   abc_sieve_wu_03884705_0   04:51:59 (04:30:03)   44.826   06:45:51   12d,06:29:28   BARBRAS-LAPTOP      78.5 °C   
Running   Poem@Home   0.06 POEM++   poempp_energystats_1310222586_1068655146_0   00:14:59 (00:14:22)   26.455   00:51:26   06d,03:49:49   BARBRAS-LAPTOP      78.5 °C   
Running   DNETC@HOME   2.02 DNETC@Home   dnetc_cpu_normal_4268198_0   12:08:13 (06:10:46)   85.714   02:01:00   04d,09:28:17   Elements         
Running   DNETC@HOME   2.02 DNETC@Home   dnetc_cpu_normal_4268132_0   09:50:53 (05:02:54)   71.428   03:50:46   04d,09:28:17   Elements         
Ready to start   eon2   3.07 eOn Client   1582728789_72_0   - (-)   0.000   01:34:57   01d,01:13:05   BARBRAS-LAPTOP         
Ready to start   Poem@Home   0.06 POEM++   3 [Tasks]    - (-)   0.000   04:54:45   06d,20:56:38   BARBRAS-LAPTOP         
Ready to start   Docking   6.23 Charmm 34a2   1c701hvj_mod0014crossdockinghiv1_10090_303801_0   - (-)   0.000   06:21:00   13d,20:51:19   BARBRAS-LAPTOP         
Ready to start   primaboinca   7.05 primaboinca   2 [Tasks]    - (-)   0.000   06:00:48   06d,23:45:10   BARBRAS-LAPTOP         
Ready to start   ABC@home   2.10 ABC sieving finder   abc_sieve_wu_03899836_0   - (-)   0.000   15:23:46   13d,23:46:09   BARBRAS-LAPTOP         
Ready to start   Moo! Wrapper   1.02 Client   dnetc_r72_1310696425_9_9_0   - (-)   0.000   01d,03:41:55   06d,23:47:38   BARBRAS-LAPTOP         
Ready to start   SLinCA@Home   32.25 heavy_lodci32x001v0p25T1 - MIN:runtime~16h(2h checkpoint),RAM~540MB,HDD~60MB   6e1189e3-a779-4fcb-881d-dfb6a7aa9589_84b82266-7d2a-4d97-8832-ff1717c73ceb_406_0   - (-)   0.000   03:45:26   11d,01:11:45   johns-laptop         
Ready to start   EDGeS@Home   6.06 ISDEP, fusion research application   wu_3_0398d109-0d6b-4d44-a2a0-9b9d7416273b_201107041340_1   - (-)   0.000   00:38:03   02d,12:41:08   johns-laptop         
Ready to start   sudoku   4.01 sudoku@vtaiwan   sudoku_16-1_4_88_1015_0   - (-)   0.000   04:18:20   04d,07:46:40   johns-laptop         
Ready to start   QMC@HOME   5.01 QMC@HOME-qasino-alpha   qasino_b3lyptz-18a_s22test.10358_0   - (-)   0.000   16:46:37   11d,11:02:52   office         
Ready to report   FreeHAL@home   1.93 FreeHAL   fh_ci_0_33021162_37_0   00:59:49 (00:50:46)   100.000   -   01d,14:15:43   BARBRAS-LAPTOP         
Computation error   6.07 UK Met Office Coupled Model Full Resolution Ocean   hadcm3n_yhn8_1900_40_007355726_0   03d,02:11:16 (01d,00:26:18)   100.000   -   86d,08:15:20   johns-laptop         
suspended:  Exclusive app running   ABC@home   2.10 ABC sieving finder   abc_sieve_wu_03847353_1   12:55:21 (10:25:39)   83.300   02:36:15   07d,20:30:06   office         
suspended:  Exclusive app running   Quake-Catcher Network   6.52 QCN Sensor (nci)   qcnb_023492_0   12:28:06 (00:02:12)   52.018   11:29:06   13d,10:35:48   office   0.025C      
suspended:  Exclusive app running   WUProp@Home   3.16 Data collect version 3 (nci)   wu_v3_1310631303_10284_0   01:59:36 (00:00:01)   66.298   01:01:12   04d,21:41:59   office   0.025C      
suspended:  Exclusive app running   Radioactive@Home   1.09 Radioactivity Monitor   sample_39166_0   00:02:25 (-)   0.202   19:56:56   13d,20:42:42   office   0.025C      
Beta Testing / Re: BT 1.04
June 02, 2011, 06:55:00 PM
I found an inconsistancy in the way the update completed tasks works.  If you block off the ready to report WUs and use the right mouse button to get to the menu and press "Project UPdate" the timer for all tasks is reset to the maximum time to update.  If you go to the projects drop down menu, and press the report all  completed tasks, the timer is not reset.   This may be the way its supposed to work. I just noticed it today.  Its no biggie, just  thought I would bring to your attention.  Keep up the great work.
Beta Testing / Re: BT 1.02
May 02, 2011, 06:03:28 AM
BT 1.02 does not pick up new notices from other computers on local network other than the computer that BT is on.   Am I missing setting somewhere.  When I look at C:\program files\emfer\boinctasts\html  All I find is an example notice file which hasn't be updated since January.

I checked four of the machines and brought them upto 6.22.26 boinc.  There are newer notices on one of the machines that is not displayed in BT.
Beta Testing / Re: BT 1.02
May 01, 2011, 09:30:59 PM
I discover BT 1.02 running sluggish on an XP3 system with all the latest fixes.  I started the system manager and discovered that notices was looping and using 48 percent of the CPU time consistently. This went on for several minutes.  I was forced to end the process which broke everything loose to run normally.  I have the notice update check set to every 60 minutes. BT is set to update every 2 minutes.  I then exited BT and restarted it and observed the task manager as running okay. Did not see notices task in list.

If there is anything I can do to help you with this problem let  me know.  I have been running BT 1.02 since it came available and have not noticed this before.  I usually check BT about every four hours, except during the night.

I might  mention that I have a in house network of seven computers all running BOinc.
Beta Testing / Re: BT 1.01
April 11, 2011, 02:55:50 AM
The status line shows that BoincTasks is "Closing x"  Where x is a number that increases by 1.  When  it gets done closing ithe display is reset and only  the local hosts tasks are displayed. eventually the rest of the computers monitored are added to the display and then it starts all over again.

I am unable to display the dump files  on my machine.
Beta Testing / Re: BT 1.01
April 11, 2011, 02:29:56 AM
Multiple  BT icons in windows status line.  When I click on one they all disappear except the one I clicked on.  Not a major problem just strange and confusing as to which one is the real one.  This usually happens when the computer has been unattended for several hours.

I am running on XP3.

This happened under 0.73 along time ago and has not appeared on any later versions that I know of.
I like to know why  a Wu is not transferring up or down.  Presently I have to go to the task or project tab to get to the associated website.   It would be nice if I was able to do this from the transfer tab directly  via the drop down menu (right button) on the transfer WU line.  As each attempt adds time to the delay for the next attempt there is some long times between tries.

Thanks in advance for considering this.
I like to check on my transfers that have been waiting a long time to see what the reason is for the delay.  Presently I have to go to the  task tab or project tab to get the www address.  Many times the transfer is waiting for the timer to reach zero before it tries again. This can be hours of unnecessary time wasted if the status has changed from not working to working.

Thanks for considering it for the next revision.
Beta Testing / BT 0.96
December 28, 2010, 01:48:08 AM
The scheduling seems to be querky.  If one work unit is running in high priority, the scheduler seems to go throught restarting different task as can be seen by the messages below:  Notice that there are just a few seconds between restarts when it should be 60 minutes.  This was happening in BY 94 and 95 also.  It only happens on machines that have priority running wus.  

Hope this helps you find the problem.  If I can be of any other assistance please let me know.


1881   QMC@HOME   27-12-2010 05:28 PM   Restarting task qasino_b3lypqz-13_s22test.8549_0 using qasinoAlpha version 501   
1882   Collatz Conjecture   27-12-2010 05:35 PM   Restarting task collatz_1292225166_420580_1 using collatz version 200   
1883   QMC@HOME   27-12-2010 05:35 PM   Restarting task qasino_b3lypqz-13_s22test.8549_0 using qasinoAlpha version 501   
1884   Collatz Conjecture   27-12-2010 05:39 PM   Restarting task collatz_1292225166_420580_1 using collatz version 200   
1885   QMC@HOME   27-12-2010 05:42 PM   Restarting task qasino_b3lypqz-13_s22test.8549_0 using qasinoAlpha version 501   
1886   Pirates@Home   27-12-2010 05:45 PM   Sending scheduler request: Requested by project.   
1887   Pirates@Home   27-12-2010 05:45 PM   Not reporting or requesting tasks   
1888   Pirates@Home   27-12-2010 05:45 PM   Scheduler request completed   
1889   Collatz Conjecture   27-12-2010 05:47 PM   Restarting task collatz_1292225166_420580_1 using collatz version 200   
1890   QMC@HOME   27-12-2010 05:47 PM   Restarting task qasino_b3lypqz-13_s22test.8549_0 using qasinoAlpha version 501   
1891   Collatz Conjecture   27-12-2010 05:51 PM   Restarting task collatz_1292225166_420580_1 using collatz version 200   
1892   QMC@HOME   27-12-2010 05:54 PM   Restarting task qasino_b3lypqz-13_s22test.8549_0 using qasinoAlpha version 501   
1893   Quake-Catcher Network   27-12-2010 05:55 PM   Sending scheduler request: To send trickle-up message.   
1894   Quake-Catcher Network   27-12-2010 05:55 PM   Not reporting or requesting tasks   
1895   Quake-Catcher Network   27-12-2010 05:55 PM   Scheduler request completed   
1896   Collatz Conjecture   27-12-2010 05:59 PM   Restarting task collatz_1292225166_420580_1 using collatz version 200   
1897   QMC@HOME   27-12-2010 05:59 PM   Restarting task qasino_b3lypqz-13_s22test.8549_0 using qasinoAlpha version 501   
1898   Collatz Conjecture   27-12-2010 06:04 PM   Restarting task collatz_1292225166_420580_1 using collatz version 200   
1899   World Community Grid   27-12-2010 06:06 PM   Restarting task c4cw_target03_002605369_1 using c4cw version 613   
1900   Collatz Conjecture   27-12-2010 06:14 PM   Restarting task collatz_1292225166_420580_1 using collatz version 200   
1901   QMC@HOME   27-12-2010 06:14 PM   Restarting task qasino_b3lypqz-13_s22test.8549_0 using qasinoAlpha version 501   
1902   Collatz Conjecture   27-12-2010 06:17 PM   Restarting task collatz_1292225166_420580_1 using collatz version 200   
1903   QMC@HOME   27-12-2010 06:19 PM   Restarting task qasino_b3lypqz-13_s22test.8549_0 using qasinoAlpha version 501   
1904   Collatz Conjecture   27-12-2010 06:21 PM   Restarting task collatz_1292225166_420580_1 using collatz version 200   
1905   QMC@HOME   27-12-2010 06:22 PM   Restarting task qasino_b3lypqz-13_s22test.8549_0 using qasinoAlpha version 501   
1906   World Community Grid   27-12-2010 06:23 PM   Restarting task c4cw_target03_002605369_1 using c4cw version 613   
1907   QMC@HOME   27-12-2010 06:23 PM   Restarting task qasino_b3lypqz-13_s22test.8549_0 using qasinoAlpha version 501   
1908   Quake-Catcher Network   27-12-2010 06:25 PM   Sending scheduler request: To send trickle-up message.   
1909   Quake-Catcher Network   27-12-2010 06:25 PM   Not reporting or requesting tasks   
1910   Quake-Catcher Network   27-12-2010 06:25 PM   Scheduler request completed   
1911   Collatz Conjecture   27-12-2010 06:26 PM   Restarting task collatz_1292225166_420580_1 using collatz version 200   
1912   QMC@HOME   27-12-2010 06:28 PM   Restarting task qasino_b3lypqz-13_s22test.8549_0 using qasinoAlpha version 501   
1913   Collatz Conjecture   27-12-2010 06:38 PM   Restarting task collatz_1292225166_420580_1 using collatz version 200   
1914   QMC@HOME   27-12-2010 06:38 PM   Restarting task qasino_b3lypqz-13_s22test.8549_0 using qasinoAlpha version 501   
Beta Testing / Re: BT 0.95
December 24, 2010, 06:06:01 AM
There seems to be a problem 095 ignoring the application switch parameter which I have set at 60  minutes.  Notice the timing on the message queue between the two applications.


4006   23-12-2010 10:26 PM   Restarting task wu_899_516_233958_0_1292955078_0 using openMalariaB version 649   
4007   World Community Grid   23-12-2010 10:26 PM   Restarting task nz505_00025_11 using hpf2 version 617   
4008   23-12-2010 10:28 PM   Restarting task wu_899_516_233958_0_1292955078_0 using openMalariaB version 649   
4009   World Community Grid   23-12-2010 10:31 PM   Restarting task nz505_00025_11 using hpf2 version 617   
4010   23-12-2010 10:36 PM   Restarting task wu_899_516_233958_0_1292955078_0 using openMalariaB version 649   
4011   World Community Grid   23-12-2010 10:36 PM   Restarting task nz505_00025_11 using hpf2 version 617   
4012   23-12-2010 10:38 PM   Restarting task wu_899_516_233958_0_1292955078_0 using openMalariaB version 649   
4013   World Community Grid   23-12-2010 10:43 PM   Restarting task nz505_00025_11 using hpf2 version 617