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Questions / Re: Update feature didn't work
Last post by fred - February 04, 2024, 09:28:13 AM
That might be, I removed a version with a serious bug.
Latest version for Windows 2.4.3 on the download page
Questions / Update feature didn't work
Last post by Corsair - February 03, 2024, 08:02:52 PM
Windows 11 ARM64
not any antivirus than o.s. itself
when click on check update and found new version it starts download the file and when asked for setup it does nothing.

anything related to Microsoft Defender?

also, I don't know where is the file downloaded? just in case to run it manually.
Questions / Re: BoincTasks JS Beta 2.2 Rel...
Last post by JeromeC - January 29, 2024, 08:25:37 PM
So far so good ! thanks a lot for the super quick reactivity :)
Questions / Re: BoincTasks JS Beta 2.2 Rel...
Last post by fred - January 29, 2024, 11:18:07 AM
Quote from: JeromeC on January 29, 2024, 08:54:03 AMCould you look at the disappearing project selector issue ?
A related problem, also fixed in V 2.4.2
Questions / Re: BoincTasks JS Beta 2.2 Rel...
Last post by JeromeC - January 29, 2024, 08:54:03 AM
Excellent ! I'll try this @home.

Could you look at the disappearing project selector issue ?
Questions / Re: Wrong download file pointi...
Last post by fred - January 29, 2024, 08:39:09 AM
V2.4.1 had a serious bug and is replaced by V2.4.2.
WordPress has a problem storing links, should be fixed now, I checked it twice, it still didn't replace the text.
Questions / Re: BoincTasks JS Beta 2.2 Rel...
Last post by fred - January 29, 2024, 08:36:02 AM
I removed V2.4.1, with a bug that messed up the Application name.
Fixed in V2.4.2
Questions / Re: Wrong download file pointi...
Last post by Corsair - January 28, 2024, 07:24:59 PM
now version 2.4.2 in windows is pointing to:
BoincTasks Js (Windows) version 2.4.2

version 2.4.1
Questions / Re: BoincTasks JS Beta 2.2 Rel...
Last post by JeromeC - January 28, 2024, 11:39:52 AM
Another very strange issue

this distant linux host (VPS) is crunching that :

but BTJs reports this :

with a clear mismatch between projects and tasks running, including "undefined" app names

A few minutes later, the host is still crunching the same thing

but BTJs has changed its mind again

with even more discrepancies and inconsistencies.

I have two other machines (my mac and a linux VM in the mac) managed with BTJs and this does not happen.
Questions / Re: BoincTasks JS Beta 2.2 Rel...
Last post by JeromeC - January 27, 2024, 12:34:20 PM
Mmm well I just installed BT Js 2.4.1 on my mac and surprise, the project selector is empty, no more project list.

I looked into the menus and options but couldn't find any - and in my memory there was one ?

This project selector is very convenient, in particular to use the historical tab - which is for me one the main pros of BT, together with the multi-computer management.