Read config file

Started by jjwhalen, May 09, 2010, 10:37:25 PM

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When you get around to adding the "Run benchmark" feature:
Quote- Add: Benchmark, show time to next benchmark.
request you also add a command to "Read config file" on the selected computer, like that on the Advanced menu of BOINCMgr.  It's handy for toggling the logging & feature switches in cc_config.xml ;)  Maybe add it to the Extra menu similar to "Allow network communication?" 8)



Quote from: jjwhalen on May 09, 2010, 10:37:25 PM

When you get around to adding the "Run benchmark" feature:
Quote- Add: Benchmark, show time to next benchmark.
request you also add a command to "Read config file" on the selected computer, like that on the Advanced menu of BOINCMgr.  It's handy for toggling the logging & feature switches in cc_config.xml ;)  Maybe add it to the Extra menu similar to "Allow network communication?" 8)

I put the Benchmark on the top of the list, so maybe the next release
The read config file is added.