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BoincTasks cloud login is working again

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New Clients get no jobs

Started by the, November 06, 2012, 12:06:50 AM

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So im using boinctasks to manage a whole slew of linux clients.  It started great, I'm using boic tasks on a win7 machine, talking across a vpn to most the linux clients. 26 clients in total. Boinc tasks is on a computer at, all the linux hosts are at 192.168.1.x.  Recently I added another 14 hosts, all on the 192.168.2.x subnet. BoincTasks connects to them and see's them as online, but submits no jobs. Any clue as to why this is? If i run boinccmd to look at the client, everything looks fine. quite confused at the moment.

So my setup

BoinTasks Machine:

Hosts that work: 192.168.1.X (these are across a VPN and about 17 miles away)

New hosts that DON'T work: 192.168.2.x (same subest has BoincTask, and about 20 feet away)

All the machines are the exact same as far as hardwared and software is concerned. All have the same mobo/processor/video cards/ram/hard drive/ and OS.  The OS comes from a single images and was deployed through clonezilla. Within BoincTasks, all machines show online, with the same boinc version, and platform. It's only the new machines that are receiving no jobs.

If it's something simple, like i should be running 2 instances of Boinctasks for the 2 different subnets, please let me know, otherwise, im quite confused.


update, i thought i had it licked, but no go.  in my stdoutdae.txt file i was getting low disk space errors. Even thought is stated the boinc client instance in the home folder of that use, and that use should have plenty of rights, i restarted it with sudo. I got a handful of errors about not being able to do work as the use is active, even though a user wasnt, then went right back to the not egnough disk space errros.

5-Nov-2012 20:05:50 [PrimeGrid] Message from server: 321 (LLR) needs 114.44MB more disk space.  You currently have 0.00 MB available and it needs 114.44 MB.
05-Nov-2012 20:05:50 [PrimeGrid] Message from server: PPS (Sieve) needs 476.84MB more disk space.  You currently have 0.00 MB available and it needs 476.84 MB.
05-Nov-2012 20:05:50 [PrimeGrid] Message from server: PPS (LLR) needs 114.44MB more disk space.  You currently have 0.00 MB available and it needs 114.44 MB.
05-Nov-2012 20:05:50 [PrimeGrid] Message from server: The Riesel Problem (Sieve) needs 190.73MB more disk space.  You currently have 0.00 MB available and it needs 190.73 MB.
05-Nov-2012 20:05:50 [PrimeGrid] Message from server: Sophie Germain (LLR) needs 114.44MB more disk space.  You currently have 0.00 MB available and it needs 114.44 MB.
05-Nov-2012 20:05:50 [PrimeGrid] Message from server: Woodall (LLR) needs 114.44MB more disk space.  You currently have 0.00 MB available and it needs 114.44 MB.
05-Nov-2012 20:05:50 [PrimeGrid] Message from server: Cullen (LLR) needs 114.44MB more disk space.  You currently have 0.00 MB available and it needs 114.44 MB.
05-Nov-2012 20:05:50 [PrimeGrid] Message from server: Seventeen or Bust needs 114.44MB more disk space.  You currently have 0.00 MB available and it needs 114.44 MB.
05-Nov-2012 20:05:50 [PrimeGrid] Message from server: The Riesel Problem (LLR) needs 114.44MB more disk space.  You currently have 0.00 MB available and it needs 114.44 MB.
05-Nov-2012 20:05:50 [PrimeGrid] Message from server: Genefer needs 247.96MB more disk space.  You currently have 0.00 MB available and it needs 247.96 MB.
05-Nov-2012 20:05:50 [PrimeGrid] Message from server: Prime Sierpinski Problem (LLR) needs 114.44MB more disk space.  You currently have 0.00 MB available and it needs 114.44 MB.
05-Nov-2012 20:05:50 [PrimeGrid] Message from server: Genefer (World Record) needs 381.47MB more disk space.  You currently have 0.00 MB available and it needs 381.47 MB.
05-Nov-2012 20:05:55 [DistrRTgen] Sending scheduler request: Requested by user.
05-Nov-2012 20:05:55 [DistrRTgen] Requesting new tasks for CPU and GPU
05-Nov-2012 20:06:00 [DistrRTgen] Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
05-Nov-2012 20:06:00 [DistrRTgen] Message from server: No tasks sent
05-Nov-2012 20:06:00 [DistrRTgen] Message from server: Distributed Rainbow Table Generator (distrrtgen) needs 95.37MB more disk space.  You currently have 0.00 MB available and it needs 95.37 MB.

When i look at the disk space, it is no where near full:

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3             1.7T   33G  1.6T   2% /
tmpfs                  16G     0   16G   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1             194M   32M  152M  18% /boot

I mean, heck, i have more than enough ram available.
Mem:  32845364k total, 14369360k used, 18476004k free, (32 gigs total, ~14 gigs used, ~18 gigs free)

Should i be posting this over at the boinc forums?


jsut as a follow up, this is also in the stdout file.

] Disk: 1.67 TB total, 1.55 TB free

so im right confused, gonna head over to the boinc forums.  If you guys have any knowledge though, that'd be awesome~


Quote from: the on November 06, 2012, 01:33:51 AM
jsut as a follow up, this is also in the stdout file.

] Disk: 1.67 TB total, 1.55 TB free

so im right confused, gonna head over to the boinc forums.  If you guys have any knowledge though, that'd be awesome~
Start the regular BOINC Manager and click on the last (disk) tab.

I see that this somehow never made it into BoincTasks.


sadly these machines have no boinc manager.  Im hoping to find a way to control the disk options without. So far no luck.  cant find anything for the boinc switches, or the boinccmd tool.

im combing over the xml files now to see if there is a static setting.


Quote from: the on November 06, 2012, 05:56:41 PM
sadly these machines have no boinc manager.  Im hoping to find a way to control the disk options without. So far no luck.  cant find anything for the boinc switches, or the boinccmd tool.

im combing over the xml files now to see if there is a static setting.