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Changing the path to the log-file?

Started by katwol, July 15, 2013, 01:36:15 PM

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Hi everybody,

is there a way to get TThrottle to use a different log-file-location?



Hi again,

while my TThrottle-window shows a very promising graph and the log-file also states boldly "Start logging" and loggs a lot of data when I'm hitting the calibrating button, no other data is recorded to the log file at all.  :'(

So - moving the log-file-location isn't that urgent at the moment - since it isn't growing anyway.

How can I change that? I need a way to monitor the cpu-temperature-curves of certain PCs over a few weeks time in order to acertain wether there's need to look into fan-replacements. I get rather diffuse statements from the PC's users as to the noise-levels, so I thought I'd start by checking out the cpu-temperature first.



TThrottle isn't recording any temperatures to disk.
It does record the temperatures in memory for 24 hours.


Quote from: fred on July 15, 2013, 05:19:51 PM
TThrottle isn't recording any temperatures to disk.
It does record the temperatures in memory for 24 hours.

And what's the purpose of the log-file on the disk then?



Quote from: katwol on July 16, 2013, 07:20:32 AM
And what's the purpose of the log-file on the disk then?

The original purpose of the program is throttling programs, mostly BOINC related. To keep the temperature and fan noise in check.

The log reports system stuff and diagnostics.


Quote from: fred on July 15, 2013, 05:19:51 PM
TThrottle isn't recording any temperatures to disk.
It does record the temperatures in memory for 24 hours.

Is there any way to get the recorded data from the memory to the log-file?



Quote from: katwol on July 17, 2013, 11:22:03 AM

Is there any way to get the recorded data from the memory to the log-file?

No, anyway, that's too much data anyway, for a log file.
You are talking about 86400 temps / core.


Quote from: fred on July 17, 2013, 11:41:17 AM
Quote from: katwol on July 17, 2013, 11:22:03 AM

Is there any way to get the recorded data from the memory to the log-file?

No, anyway, that's too much data anyway, for a log file.
You are talking about 86400 temps / core.

Oooops - how often do you take the temperature? Could that be configurable?
As I said, I need to find out, if the PCs (which are in different towns btw.  :( ) are getting "way too noisy" because of CPU-temperature-promblems or if I have to investigate into a different direction. Even if I haven't got the slightest cue what that direction may be...  ::)



Quote from: katwol on July 17, 2013, 12:32:16 PM

Oooops - how often do you take the temperature? Could that be configurable?
As I said, I need to find out, if the PCs (which are in different towns btw.  :( ) are getting "way too noisy" because of CPU-temperature-promblems or if I have to investigate into a different direction. Even if I haven't got the slightest cue what that direction may be...  ::)

If there is only a CPU and no GPU than the likely cause is fan.

The fans tend to be low cost, with plastic bearings.
And they gather a lot of dust over time.

Replacing the fans may be wise.

A better cooler than stock is even better, that way the noise is gone, but will be a lot more work.


Quote from: fred on July 17, 2013, 12:41:27 PM
If there is only a CPU and no GPU than the likely cause is fan.

The fans tend to be low cost, with plastic bearings.
And they gather a lot of dust over time.

Replacing the fans may be wise.

A better cooler than stock is even better, that way the noise is gone, but will be a lot more work.
First: thanks for taking the time trying to help me. :)

I guess replacing the fan would be a more feasible option if the PC would make a lot of noise all the time - but most of the time it's running really quite and that with running fan. So I guess the bearings should be ok so far.
And as the PCs in questions a due to be replaced later this year anyway swapping out the fans seem a bit overkill as well.

I'm looking for a way to monitor cpu-temperature-behaviour more out of interest now than out of dire need, but I'm astonished how difficult it is to find a tool that answers my need for long-term-logging.



Quote from: katwol on July 17, 2013, 02:12:33 PM
First: thanks for taking the time trying to help me. :)

I guess replacing the fan would be a more feasible option if the PC would make a lot of noise all the time - but most of the time it's running really quite and that with running fan. So I guess the bearings should be ok so far.
And as the PCs in questions a due to be replaced later this year anyway swapping out the fans seem a bit overkill as well.

I'm looking for a way to monitor cpu-temperature-behaviour more out of interest now than out of dire need, but I'm astonished how difficult it is to find a tool that answers my need for long-term-logging.

But logging the temps isn't getting you anywhere. If you don't know the cause.....
A lot of programs are on a schedule (see Windows scheduler) If the user logs the time, you may find the program.
Or the user can check  8) what is running....


Quote from: fred on July 17, 2013, 02:36:50 PM
But logging the temps isn't getting you anywhere. If you don't know the cause.....
A lot of programs are on a schedule (see Windows scheduler) If the user logs the time, you may find the program.
Or the user can check  8) what is running....
You're so right! And it's really great to be able to talk about this with someone. I'm kind of a "lone warrior" here. I'm taking care of the computers in the library of a university of applied science in Germany. The university has locations in five cities and the library has locations in four of them and I am the only staff-member in my department (exept for a student aide) - so you can imagine it's not a dull job ;)

Hhhhmmm - getting the on-location-users to check what programs (or even processes) are running at the moment the PC begins to make a racket seems to overtaxe most of their abilities and is not really pragmatic in some of the working environments (e.g. check-out-counters). So I guess, what I have to look for is a much more potent ??? monitoring tool that is able to logg not only CPU temperatures and fan-speed, but also the current state of the running processes. Have any suggestions?



Quote from: katwol on July 18, 2013, 09:49:39 AM
You're so right! And it's really great to be able to talk about this with someone. I'm kind of a "lone warrior" here. I'm taking care of the computers in the library of a university of applied science in Germany. The university has locations in five cities and the library has locations in four of them and I am the only staff-member in my department (exept for a student aide) - so you can imagine it's not a dull job ;)

Hhhhmmm - getting the on-location-users to check what programs (or even processes) are running at the moment the PC begins to make a racket seems to overtaxe most of their abilities and is not really pragmatic in some of the working environments (e.g. check-out-counters). So I guess, what I have to look for is a much more potent ??? monitoring tool that is able to logg not only CPU temperatures and fan-speed, but also the current state of the running processes. Have any suggestions?

I would suggest a remote access program. Logmein or teamviewer.
So you can see for yourself what's going on.


I've got UltraVNC for getting online access to a PC when I get a chance to look at a problem at the time it is occurring. But very often the case is a colleague calling me and telling me something like "oh and my PC has been acting up a lot lately - it's been very loud." and when I ask her to let me have a listen over the phone she says "oh - it's ok now".
Or "Could you please take a look at my PC when you're here next time, it's so loud all the time, I almost cannot hear myself think..." - and when I'm there, the PC is running quite as a churchmouse even though the user insists on doing exactly the same things as when the noise pollution problems happend.  ::)

That's why I thought about longtime logging, hoping to get some kind of correlation.
