ClamAV reports Win.Adware.Eorezo-528 in setup program

Started by KenSharp, February 05, 2016, 07:04:42 AM

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My system has started reporting that the setup program for BoincTasks contains adware, specifically Win.Adware.Eorezo-528. This has only recently started occurring.

Virustotal confirms that it's only ClamAV that is reporting this:

Looks like a false positive. However, ClamAV can and is used as a virus scanner in some proxy solutions. Indeed it works well with Squid. The result being that the BoincTasks application could be getting blocked by proxies before it gets chance to be blocked by Clam running on a desktop system.


There isn't much you can do with false positives,

I tried and got 2 positives.

Send the file to as a false positive, who know this may help

Thanks for the report.



I've submitted a false positive to ClamAV. I've never even heard of the other AV causing the false positive so I'll leave that for someone else. We'll see what happens.