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BoincTasks cloud login is working again

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B.T. 1.82

Started by cristipurdel, November 05, 2020, 09:46:05 PM

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Which are the BOINC & Android requirements for Android monitoring?


Quote from: cristipurdel on November 05, 2020, 09:46:05 PM
Which are the BOINC & Android requirements for Android monitoring?
I set the minimum to 16, test oldest phone I got for testing is a Galaxy S6.


Quote from: fred on November 06, 2020, 07:44:13 AM
Quote from: cristipurdel on November 05, 2020, 09:46:05 PM
Which are the BOINC & Android requirements for Android monitoring?
I set the minimum to 16, test oldest phone I got for testing is a Galaxy S6.

I am using the following but monitoring is not working
BOINC 7.16.11
BT 1.82
Android 7.4.53 (7.16.3 is not working) on an LG V30 Android 9


It's because I made a new app for that.
Read here: on the Android tab.


I've tested on a Samsung 8.1.0 with no success and attached the log below.

Annoying thing is also when trying to change a settings value, app crashes but the value is saved after restart.

Please also allow app to work from Android 4.4 up.

Can you please remove the following restrictions in next beta since, I am running the phone without battery, although it says 16%, and it also does not charge :)

Restriction on use
The BOINC client will stop running if the:

Battery level drops or is below 90%.
Device isn't charging.

20:26:12:Start app
20:26:12:MainActivity:Ignore Battery Optimizations, permission granted
20:26:12:ERROR:Service:ServiceBroadcastReceiver:kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property mRpcServer has not been initialized
20:34:16:MainActivity:Ignore Battery Optimizations, permission granted
20:34:16:ERROR:Service:ServiceBroadcastReceiver:kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property mRpcServer has not been initialized
20:40:23:MainActivity:Ignore Battery Optimizations, permission granted
20:40:23:ERROR:Service:ServiceBroadcastReceiver:kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property mRpcServer has not been initialized


Quote from: cristipurdel on November 07, 2020, 08:29:52 PM
I've tested on a Samsung 8.1.0 with no success and attached the log below.
I tested it on the emulator and it works just fine. Made a change that should fix the problem.


Tried it on a TV stick with 7.1.2, and still not working. This one did not complain about charging %.
Both devices have root.


Quote from: cristipurdel on November 08, 2020, 02:44:18 PM
Tried it on a TV stick with 7.1.2, and still not working. This one did not complain about charging %.
Both devices have root.
I found an Android 4.1.2 API 16 phone, the lowest I like to support.
I'm really surprised that it works so well on that ancient machine
Only one small glitch to correct.
The only catch, some projects neem more memory Rosetta and crash on WCG

Running now:
Android old   Universe@Home   0.20 Universe BHspin v2 (android_arm_pie)   universe_bh2_190723_337_784324216_20000_1-   
Android old   Asteroids@home   102.12 Period Search Application (arm_android_pie)   ps_201103_input_19387_17_0   00:03:44

Added an battery setting, so you can go as low or high as you want.

Dirk Broer

Upon installing 1.82 BoincTasks encrypts the passwords of the clients, whereupon they become unequal to the passwords stored at the clients and the connections get lost.


Quote from: Dirk Broer on November 09, 2020, 03:55:11 PM
Upon installing 1.82 BoincTasks encrypts the passwords of the clients, whereupon they become unequal to the passwords stored at the clients and the connections get lost.
Encryption ONLY works on the new beta Android version, with the slider to secure password.
You will be unable to contact any other client when you set it to yes.


Just updated the Android Download to 1.1, must always be done manually


Quote from: fred on November 09, 2020, 04:30:44 PM
Just updated the Android Download to 1.2, must always be done manuelly

Can you please update also here?


Quote from: cristipurdel on November 10, 2020, 06:39:56 PM
Can you please update also here?
My mistake 1.1 is the latest online version, I'm working on 1.2 now


Can you please add option to update, or just download, apk from the app itself, so I do not have to do remote control some android TV sticks?


Quote from: cristipurdel on November 11, 2020, 02:25:21 PM
Can you please add option to update, or just download, apk from the app itself, so I do not have to do remote control some android TV sticks?
Unfortunately that's not possible/allowed at the moment.