Translation problem and not loaded.

Started by Corsair, January 21, 2024, 04:45:52 PM

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Windows 11 ARM64

Done all steps and step by step with Spanish translation.

after File -> restart, program doesn´t restart, double click on icon and only start, if it wants to, a simple windows with not so much data.
after deleting the translation.json of settings folder the program starts as should be.

after restarting the program without the translation file these are the readings of the debug log:
Quote17:19:50 Main,getTranslation, translation.json not found.
17:19:50 BoincTasks Js, V 2.4.
17:19:50 Electron: V 28.1.3.
17:19:50 Node: V 18.18.2.
17:19:50 Highcharts:^11.1.0.
17:19:50 Xml2js:^0.6.2.
17:19:50 System running on platform: win32 ,architecture: arm64.
17:19:50 Folder app: C:\Users\corsa.
17:19:50 Folder data: (appData) C:\Users\corsa\AppData\Roaming.
17:19:50 Folder data: (userData) C:\Users\corsa\AppData\Roaming\BoincTasks Js.
17:19:50 Locale: es , ES.
17:19:51 main, showApp showArg: arg is empty.
17:19:51 main, showApp actual: true.
17:19:52 Read state: S-701.
17:19:52 Read state: U-2321.
17:19:52 Read state: U-3501.

of course the translation file not found, but not able to find the log when the file is present in the folder.

could be this one:
Quote17:19:32 [info] BoincTasks Js, V 2.4
17:19:33 [info] Electron: V 28.1.3
17:19:33 [info] Node: V 18.18.2
17:19:33 [info] Highcharts:^11.1.0
17:19:33 [info] Xml2js:^0.6.2
17:19:33 [info] [main, createWindow] start
17:19:33 [info] ERROR [main, createWindow] Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'MN_FILE')<br>TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'MN_FILE')
    at initMenu (C:\Program Files\eFMer\BoincTasks-Js\resources\app.asar\main.js:377:28)
    at createWindow (C:\Program Files\eFMer\BoincTasks-Js\resources\app.asar\main.js:789:7)
    at C:\Program Files\eFMer\BoincTasks-Js\resources\app.asar\main.js:915:5
17:19:45 [info] [main, createWindow] will-quit
17:19:45 [info] [main, createWindow] quit
17:19:45 [info] [main, appExit] isQuiting
Roses don't bloom on the sailor's grave



Diving in instructions found my fault, now downloaded the translation as "Key-Value JSON (.json)" and now working correctly with translated file, and also testing it.

still there are some strings not ready to translate, still in English with no translation string available.
Roses don't bloom on the sailor's grave



The next release is on hold for your translation.
It can stay that way for a week or so, until I run out of time to work on BoincTasks Js.


In the debug section and in the logging files some things might only be in English.


Roses don't bloom on the sailor's grave



Great I will start releasing the new version.