New Version

Started by fred, July 28, 2009, 05:01:13 PM

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V 0.37

-(CHANGED) More translated text.
-(FIXED) When the inner window was maximized and the computer window was open as well, the inner window was not shown maximized on restart.
-(FIXED) A rare memory leak on exiting, introduced in V 0.35 Beta (gadget window)
-(FIXED) Closing the combined window, while the gadget window is visible, will result in a crash.
-(FIXED) When the combined window is closed: Moving the mouse over the BoincTasks icon, while the gadget window is enabled, will result in a crash.
-(ADDED) Computers -> Find computers: A dialog to show a list of all computers, that are found and have BOINC/TThrottle running. Add selected computers to the computer list.


V 0.38

-(NEW) First release with a unified 32 and 64 bit installer.
-(NEW) Romanian an German.
-(CHANGED) More translated text.
-(CHANGED) History view: A warning when the keep days is below the previous setting.
-(CHANGED) History view: Longer time period of 365 days.
-(CHANGED) A major reduction in the memory usage by 2/3.
-(Fixed) The logging did not show the language code correctly.


V 0.39

-(ADD) A language override file BoincTasks_OVERRIDE.btlang, to change specific text, without the need to modify the main language file.
-(CHANGED) More translated text.
-(CHANGED) The logging now shows the selected language.
-(CHANGED) The Computer->Find dialog, now uses a thread in the scan addresses, this will no longer make the whole program sluggish or freeze up.
-(CHANGED) Computer view: When closing, don't show the warning message, but ask for a reconnect instead.
-(FIXED) The logging did not show the system language number correctly.
-(FIXED) When the language selection was not set to System, settings between different BoincTasks version may result in a wrongly selected languages.
-(FIXED) On a computer with no preference stored (Cleared), the extra-> BOINC preference dialog doesn't appear.


V 0.40

-(ADD) A snooze function from the taskbar menu.
-(ADD) Suspend/resume network communication.
-(ADD) In the BoincTasks settings dialog -> general tab: A hot key to show and hide BoincTasks.
-(ADD) A new option for the CPU %, a fast mode that also supports older clients, always showing 100%. This mode will respond faster to changes and warnings should appear quicker.
-(CHANGED) The gadget window now doesn't show any tasks on a computer that is snoozing (suspended by user).
-(CHANGED) The view immediately updates when restored from minimized or iconic (hidden) state.
-(CHANGED) When multiple tasks of the same project/computer are selected, execute project operations like refresh/resume/pause only once.
-(CHANGED) The minimum height for the Gadget Window is now reduced to 1 line.
-(FIXED) When updated from a version before 0.39 an incorrect selected language was shown in the logging (but not actually selected).
-(FIXED) The menu Help->Update is grayed out in all views except the Tasks view.
-(FIXED) a state of 20001 now shows as Ready to start.


V 0.41

-(ADD) - Project view: Show WU in stock per project.
-(ADD) A clear button to the logging dialog.
-(CHANGED) Gadget window, the default time is now 1 second, but it stays there anyway, as long as the cursor is over the icon.
-(FIXED) The new CPU % mode did not work properly in the non combined mode.
-(FIXED) When a project or projects where suspended, by the project or user, the tasks still showed running/running color.
-(FIXED) Removed the suspended message when tasks where ready to report.
-(FIXED) Autostart with, in the Extra menu was not translated.
-(FIXED) History view: A task sometimes stays in: Updating, please wait. Do a state refresh immediately to resolve the name, because next time the task may be gone.
-(FIXED) Redraw the icon after an Windows explorer.exe/desktop/file explorer crash.
-(FIXED) History view: Did not remove history of unconnected computers in the set time period.


V 0.42

-(ADD) A check in the Expert dialog to enable or disable password encryption. (default is off).
-(CHANGED) Filter, use the project as well, to separate tasks from SETI and SETI Beta.
-(CHANGED) The number of remote computers is now 40, was 20.
-(CHANGED) Non cpu intensive projects like FreeHAL that don't set the use value now default to 0.025 C.
-(CHANGED) History, moved some memory from main to stack, to fight crashes on some computers with a large (+5000)  history. A history above 1000 is not recommended.
-(FIXED) The sorting on the Use column did not work.


V 0.43

-(FIXED) Transfer view, sometimes the % exceeded 100%.
-(CHANGED) Show version number in title bar.
-(FIXED) Project view code 5 = initializing, 7 = in progress.
-(FIXED) Task view: Sorting is sometimes done on a 3th column even as this column is not selected. Removed hidden sorting columns. Reintroduced the | indicator for now. The computer column may need the | set to disable sorting.
-(FIXED) Task view: Multicore project tasks displayed a CPU % of more than 100%. Now CPU% = CPU% / CPU cores. Maxed at 100%.
-(FIXED) Task view: Sometimes with progress below 1% the progress was not shown properly. Now the alternative way is only used when the progress % is below 0.01%. This is only uses in the first phase of GPU Tasks.


V 0.44

(ADD) Tasks view: Option to show the user unfriendly name = mostly shorter, instead of the default user friendly name.
(CHANGED) Project view: New projects that are not complete now show a blank project field, show the Url instead.
(FIXED) Tasks: A task running High P. was still showing Running High P, when suspended (snooze).
(FIXED) Tasks: 60100-state, now reported as Aborted.
(FIXED) Tasks: Name Column: Sorting of filtered items [tasks] was not correct.
(FIXED) Sorting: Sorting did not work on some computers.


V 0.45

(Add) Task tab: An option to enable/disable the alternating stripes.
(Fixed) History tab: "copy selected" doesn't copy what you have really selected.
(Fixed) Project or Task Tab: BOINC Prefs doesn't always  go to the right machine.
(Fixed) Computer: The password with encryption off was always stored as lowercase.
(Changed) Computer: The computer name can have uppercase characters.
(Changed) Computer sidebar: Now scalable.
(Changed) The maximum number of computers is now 60.


V 0.46

(Add) Bulgarian: Nick, Team Cor Serpentis.
(Add) Abort dialog: Deadline column.
(Changed) the exe name is now lower case only.
(Changed) CPU%: if CPU % < 1% add 1 digit, like 0.001 and round of properly. 0.000 should be shown as empty.
(Changed) Project/Tasks view Boinc settings: Select the first computer if no computer is selected.


V 0.47

(Changed) Use another way to get the user folder, like: "c:\users\xx\appdata\roaming".
(Changed) The non combined mode is now no longer selectable. Read FAQ for more info.
(Fixed) The follow selected tasks will now follow the task and the computer name, instead of only the task name. This prevents selected filtered tasks from switching computer
(Fixed) Task view: Sometimes when there are filtered tasks of the same application and the same tasks number. Selection will switch from one to another. Like from 23 suspended to 23 waiting to run.
Now uses one Task inside the filter to check if it's still the right filtered group.
(Fixed) Some projects with low CPU use the CPU% was not correct. (FreeHAL, v0.46 PrimeGrid's AP26 Search (cuda23) v1.01)


V 0.48

(Changed) Tasks tab: When status is downloading and % = 100, then status is download error with the error color.
(Fixed) All tabs: When for some reason the tab sorting column was out of range (registry), the program crashed. Added additional range checking.


V 0.49

(Add) All views: An option to show an horizontal and/or vertical grid.
(Add) A link to the BOINC homepage.
(Add) Graphic: The line thickness is user definable.
(Add) Computer view: Show the BOINC version.
(Changed) Computer view: Moved to the main view. (Computers/Projects/Tasks/Transfers/Messages/History).
(Fixed) Message view: Sometimes the wrong computer was shown, when a computer was selected with the sidebar. Like ROBOT and ROBOTiii, selected ROBOTiii, shown ROBOT.


V 0.50

(Changed) Removed the sorting indicator | (no sorting).
(Changed) Selection bar (Computer/Projects), the selections are now scaled depending on the total width of the bar.
(Fixed) Computer sidebar: The text all computers is missing.
(Fixed) Menu: BOINC website text is not translatable.
(Fixed) The program did crash occasionally at startup (Graphic color dialog).  >:(


V 0.51

(Add) Computer view: TThrottle version column.
(Add) Computer view: Connection status column.
(Add) BOINC preference dialog -> processor: While processor usage is less than 0 Percent (0 means no restriction).
(Add) Task view: Suspend: cpu usage > .
(Changed) Move to BOINC 6_10_43.
(Changed) Removed the status text from the Window title. As the status in now in the Computer view.
(Changed) Computer view: Changing the computer name resulted in the loss of the history (file couldn't be found). The file is now renamed automatically.
(Fixed) Graphic shows the same color on computers with similar names.
(Fixed) Computer view: Computer menu: Detect, Add, Remove, where not translatable.