New Version

Started by fred, July 28, 2009, 05:01:13 PM

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V 1.56

New: Cloud: A compact mode.
New: Cloud/Mobile: Column selector, to show/hide columns.
New: Cloud/Mobile: Toggle fixed headers.
Changed: Cloud/Mobile: Use local font settings, don't import them from BoincTasks.
Changed: Do not allow or as a server address. (use:
Changed: Shows a warning when a Computer of Project column is missing in the Project tab, when using a operation like suspend.
Fixed: Cloud: Logs out if the connection is lost and logs back in.


V 1.57

Add: History: If the client supports it (>= 7.2.23), try to resolve missed task. Shows Reported OK +
Add: Multiple MAC addresses / host WIFI/Cable. format: MAC;MAC
Changed: History: On clients >= 7.2.23, use a longer refresh rate, as we should be able to resolve any missed tasks.
Changed: Tab: Computer: Gray computers that are NOT selected.
Changed: If there is a valid MAC address use it.
Changed: cc_config: <max_event_log_lines>, <android_debug>, <client_new_version_text>, <client_version_check_url>, <fetch_on_update>
Changed: BOINC settings, limit buffers to 20 day.
Fixed: Notices: A crash could occur if there is a bad internet connection. (eFMer pull message)
Fixed: After a theme switch the background stayed white.
Fixed: Tabs, flickering.
Fixed: MAC address allows : and - as separator.
Fixed: MAC resolve, exclude local IP address, not needed and generates BOINC client reject warnings.
Fixed: Cloud: Properties didn't translate to UTF-8.
Fixed: Cloud: Only allow at startup.


V 1.58

Add: Japanese.
Add: Find computers: Support for the BOINC Toolbox. To setup and find computers automatically.
Add: Fixed color option for the graphs (default).
Changed: Use SSE2 on x64.
Fixed: Find computers now works on any tab.
Fixed: Crashed on Japanese characters in the language file.
Fixed: History recovered, shows missed after a restart.
Fixed: Transfer graph, the graph color was sometimes incorrect.
Fixed: Unable to read crash files from 32 bit systems.
Fixed: Transfer graph, when selecting more than one computer, graph shows ghost lines.
Fixed: Temperature graph crash.


V 1.59

Add: Message search, selects found items.
Changed: Extra text when a rule is triggered (debug mode).
Fixed: A rare crash when a rules is triggered.
Fixed: Some changes in the handling of Show CPU and GPU filter.
Fixed: Errors in the example config.xml.
Fixed: Graphs missing horizontal lines.


V 1.60

Changed: log.xml no longer in use,  the button "Set Debug" in the logging dialog replaces these debug flags (debug mode only).
Fixed: Didn't show push messages from eFMer.
Fixed: Memory leak in push messages.
Fixed: Progress bar in program update, stuck to 0.


V 1.61

New: Debugging option: Show CPU.
Changed: Cloud and Mobile upgrade to jQuery Mobile 1.4.2, resulting is a lot of minor changes.
Changed: BoincTasks Settings -> History "Minimum update time" and "Maximum update time", default values now 60 seconds and 240 seconds
Fixed: Cloud and Mobile: Small bug fixes.
Fixed: The project tab selection didn't lock on the project name and computer name. Sometimes selecting the wrong line when selecting another computer.
Fixed: Cloud: BoincTasks is unable to log in with an email address with a point e.g. .
Fixed: Cloud tab, FTP text was not translatable.


V 1.62

Changed: Cloud: handshaking interface Browser <-> Server <-> BoincTasks redesigned. (Speed improvements).
Fixed: Cloud: Sometimes failed to show any graph, when there wasn't any data in one project.
Changed: Cloud/Mobile the graph now updates every 120 seconds, otherwise it looses connection.


V 1.63

Add: Add project show platform icons. 
Add: Add exclude exe, select from running processes.
Add: Expert tab:  "Manual override CPID" check box;
Changed: Use the project CPID provided by the BOINC client, instead of the one in the Expert tab. (BOINC > 7.4.xx)
Changed: Links to now point to the new site
Fixed: When the gadget is set to "Show always on top", make sure it stays on top.
Fixed: Tab: Projects status missing :  sRPCp 2 (Report completed tasks) ,3 (Fetch work) & 7 incorrect (Req by project).
Fixed: Tab: Projects status sometimes, showed deferred and in progress at the same time.


V 1.64

Add: Suspend at checkpoint. Suspends a task after a checkpoint. Checkpoint column must be active.
Fixed: Project tab, some projects show ?? in the Project and Team rank column. Added stats/stats.xml for master url to url used conversion.


V 1.65

Fixed: Show CPU and or GPU sometimes failed, redesigned handling.
Fixed: Condense Intel GPU to INTEL.
Fixed: Detect intel gpu as GPU.


V 1.66

Fixed: In 1.65 the Sidebar Project selection stopped working. 
Fixed: Task count () for GPU, shows 0 (gadget) or 1 (projects.


V 1.67

Fixed: Tasks: Checkpoint column [] counter, was running too fast, with some projects.


V 1.68

Changed: BoincTasks Cloud default url:
Fixed: BoincTasks Cloud sometimes failed to login again and showed logging in failed: Connection timeout.


V 1.69

Changed: BoincTasks Cloud additional debug logging.
Fixed: BoincTasks Cloud, stayed in logout and didn't log in again.


V 1.70

Fixed: On File->Exit, when Mobile was enabled, sometimes this caused a crash.
Changed: BoincTasks Cloud default url: now fixed.