New Version

Started by fred, July 28, 2009, 05:01:13 PM

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V 0.82

Added: Taskbar->Snooze:Remaining snooze time.
Changed: Extra->Allow to run: Snooze: When snoozing is active, restore to previous state.
Fixed: The program crashed when selecting snooze from the taskbar.


V 0.83

Add: Automatic proxy server detection, for update dialog.
Changed: (internal) Moved to heap: history, logging, connecting. A suspected cause of rare memory protection errors.
Changed: History, make smart mode the default.
Fixed: The automatic column width, (double click on the divider in the header) isn't working correctly.
Fixed: Clicking on the taskbar icon, when the main application window isn't yet created may crash the program.
Fixed: History: May miss a computation error.
Fixed: Task Properties doesn't show elapsed and CPU time, when a task is completed.


V 0.84

Add: Temperature graphic. Show -> Temperature graph. Needs TThrottle V 2.3.
Changed: Remove properties, when selecting filtered tasks.
Fixed: Tasks properties: A completed task, shows fraction done less than 100%.
Fixed: Tasks properties: Show the version number * 100.


V 0.85

Add: Temperature graph: Colors to the check boxes.
Add: A filter for aborted tasks.
Changed: (Internal) In TThrottle/Boinc threads, CString moved to char and parts are moved to the heap. Suspects of memory problems.
Changed: Tasks: Elapsed time column show 00:00:12 (-) when the CPU is 0.
Changed: Tasks: When completed, elapsed time column show both times like 06:04:42 (05:07:34).
Fixed: History column elapsed time doesn't use user defined HHH:MM:SS.
Fixed: 32 version of BT doesn't show the temperature graph.


V 0.86

Fixed: Tasks: Missing temperature reading.


V 0.87

Add: Web page creator, to follow the task progress on the computer, or mobile device like the IPod or IPad.
Changed: Tasks: The update counter now follows the wall clock.
Fixed: Temperature graph didn't display anything for computers without a GPU.
Fixed: Clicking on the taskbar icon too early, can crash the program.
Fixed: The Tasks debt column, updates at least once an hour.


V 0.88

Add: Projects: Menu Set debt.
Add: Projects: Extra counter for non CPU intensive tasks like FreeHAL. Format CPU/GPU/LOW, LOW only shown when > 0.
Add: Tasks: Extra column: Received.
Changed: All graphs, a double click will maximize the graph.
Fixed: BoincTasks Settings->WWW: clicking OK does not close the window.
Fixed: Task properties, the CPU time wasn't always the correct one.
Fixed: Tasks: The checkpoint value is sometimes incorrect, when a task isn't running.


V 0.89

Add: Notices, extra tab/view.
Add: Tasks/History: Show state Aborted by user and show (exit status) on aborted task.
Changed: Messages: When no computer was selected yet and more than one computer is selected, show the localhost.
Changed: Fetching benchmark and snooze / suspend data is now on wall-clock time instead of tick time.
Changed: Debt dialog: Apply is disabled until there are numbers in both fields.
Changed: Computers: Always retrieve data from all computers, instead of the selected computer.
Fixed: Projects: When projects are out of work, the low CPU number (third number) shows a random number.
Fixed: Projects: The third number, low usage project count, isn't correct.
Fixed: Tasks: Didn't show the correct Aborted state on a single item, like aborted by project, when the abort filter was active.


V 0.90

Add: Translate, translatable BOINC text.
Changed: Back to 6.10.56 code, with the addition of Notices.
Fixed: Projects: When projects are out of work, the low CPU number (third number) shows a random number.


V 0.91

Add: An option to enable/disable the translatable BOINC text, in Settings -> view.
Add: Logging: In debug mode, memory usage is shown after 30 seconds.
Add: Logging: Memory stress test (type memory test).
Changed: Notices: Don't show more, on notices without an link.
Changed: Notices: The more text is now translatable.
Changed: The Project and Task properties dialog, now have adjustable columns.
Changed: History: Simplified the internal routines (HistoryItem CString -> char *), for more stability.
Changed: History: (u) Last seen in upload, now *.
Fixed: Graphic: "Select a computer" and "Select a project" where not always correctly translatable.
Fixed: Messages have a [] non printable character, at the end.
Fixed: Tasks: Status field shows a number, instead of aborted.
Fixed: To avoid looping on errors, BT will no longer starts, after 10 crashes in the last 12 hour.
Fixed: Projects: Alternating striping, wasn't switched off, by the setting in the view tab.
Fixed: Reading the state, with a bad/cutoff connection, could cause memory problems.
Fixed: Using the extra -> BOINC proxy settings, resulted in a crash.


V 0.91.1

Fixed: Added correct notices template.


V 0.92

Add: Account manager support.
Add: Task properties: Estimated app speed, Estimated task size.
Add: Properties: Context menu, to copy everything to the clipboard.
Changed: The following dialogs now use the set font: Properties, Yes no, Find computers.
Changed: The detach/reset project dialog added columns.
Fixed: Properties: Displayed memory readings where slightly off.


V 0.93

Add: Extra debug logging options in log.xml,  search_computers, connecting, heap_check.
Add: A language dependent tag to the template.html, and in the language file.
Changed: Find computers, 2*30 seconds timeout. Was rather undetermined on some computers.
Fixed: Find computers dialog, some small bug fixes.
Fixed: A reconnect to a computer, could cause a crash.
Fixed: The detach/reset project dialog, showed the wrong ? text.
Fixed: The reconnect time was set to 1 second at startup, instead of the set value in the expert tab.
Fixed: The computer sidebar, didn't always show a disconnect icon.
Fixed: Notices tab: When using the computer sidebar, the notices sometimes showed up in the browser.
Fixed: A connection password error resulted in a crash.


V 0.94

Add: Graphic presentation of received tasks. Menu Show -> Tasks graphic.
Add: History setting: Maximum refresh time, was fixed to 30 seconds. Is now adjustable in the BoincTasks setting dialog.
Add: Notices: Counter that indicates new messages.
Add: Notices tab in BoincTasks settings dialog.
Add: Notices warning balloon in the taskbar.
Add: When closing down, the logging will show all computers, that were not properly closed down.
Changed: Moved the graphic color dialog, to extra->BoincTasks color and fonts, tab Graph.
Changed: On a user action like project update, task abort. The history will update within 5 seconds.
Changed: Tasks and History, added walking ..... to updating...
Changed: Graphic scaling, larger numbers didn't use the full graph.
Changed: Longer Tooltips 80 -> 255 characters.
Fixed: Temperature graph, the graph could come too close, to the numbers in the bottom.


V 0.95

Add: Extra toolbar items: Tasks and temperature graph.
Add: BoincTasks settings: A check to hide, or show BoincTasks at startup.
Add: Context menu to the headers. Redirects to the BoincTasks settings dialog.
Add: BT Settings: Empty history & messages tab.
Changed: History, Transfers, Messages: Allow column header dragging.
Changed: Renamed:  Computer toolbar -> Toolbar Graphic.
Changed: Check every 12 hours for new updates, when automatically check for updates is checked.
Changed: The exe's are now signed, for improved security.
Fixed: Untranslated text in the Color Temperature tab.
Fixed: Show & in Team as &.
Fixed: Copy text to the clipboard, now adds the locale, to ensure that paste, uses the correct local character set.
Fixed: When silent restart on a crash is set: Catch errors that caused error looping. They now stop showing a message box.