New Version

Started by fred, July 28, 2009, 05:01:13 PM

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V 1.11

Add: Webserver.
Changed: History, less overhead when history tab isn't shown.
Changed: text only: "Start BOINC client at Boinctasks start".
Changed: Wu regulator, starts after 2 minute.
Fixed: A memory problem (history) / leak that could lead to a crash at exiting.
Fixed: The closing sequence of BT. Could lead to a crash on closing.
Fixed: Tasks graph, combine was no longer working.


V 1.12

Add: Smart refresh on the Tasks view. A maximum time can be set in Settings->Tasks.
Add: F1 button redirects to the Internet manual.
Add: Filter on running tasks.
Add: User adjustable sorting order on the status field.
Add: History tab: WWW in context menu.
Add: Context menu, project home page to WWW
Changed: About box.
Changed: Right mouse list selection, now conform Windows standard.
Changed: Initial name !<>Combined<>! now -> BoincTasks.
Fixed: Project tab: Right click properties, crashed on some computers.
Fixed: Expert tab, check "silently restart on a crash" doesn't stick.
Fixed: Temperature graph: The throttle can go to 1%, adjust the graph scale.
Fixed: Detaching from a project that only shows the URL (not completely attached) doesn't work.
Fixed: A comma was't translated to the set comma character. In some places the thousand separator wasn't used.
Fixed: Clicking on the context menu too quickly, could cause a crash. The request is now locked, until ready.


V 1.13

Add: Show graphic in the Tasks context menu. Starts the project graphic application.
Add: Computer Groups.
Changed: Computer sidebar height is now stretched.
Fixed: Sorting the column Suspended: (reason) not in the sorting list.
Fixed: Debt dialog always selected the first computer and a invalid parameter box popped up.
Fixed: Shows: Waiting for memory, when a GPU task is low on memory.


V 1.14

Add: User definable number of digits after the decimal point in the CPU % and progress column.
Add: Option to close the BOINC client on exit.
Add: Tasks Graphic, block mode.
Add: (Tasks) Graphic, Multiple selections check. When unchecked you can use the control key to select multiple selections.
Add: Tasks Graphic, a 24 hour average line.
Add: Taskbar: Remove any icons left over from a crash.
Changed: The logs now use local time instead of GMT in the file name.
Changed: BOINC new version notice is marked as a new message only once.
Changed: The warning color for tasks low is now used for the column cell only.
Changed: File -> Stop BOINC client, some extra checks.
Changed: Tasks Graphic, the timeline always ends at the end of the present day.
Changed: Some compiler optimizing.
Fixed: Sometimes the warning "language file not found" appears.


V 1.15

Add: Tasks: A "Show active tasks" in the context menu.
Changed: Rules, if an event (Resume/suspend project / suspend task)  fails it shows: "The event failed" in the rules logging.
Changed: Rules: The rule accepted only one active wall clock time.
Changed: Temperature graph, selecting a unconnected computer caused a long delay.
Changed: Temperature graph, now stores the separate computer temperature graphs.
Changed: Show graphic, rewritten. Showed some projects in Screen saver mode.
Changed: Translatable start/stop client text.
Fixed: Yoyo, shows 445.01 Muon or 117.33 Muon (Filtered) on the same WU.
Fixed: Computer view: The last Wanted tasks column was set to a width of 0.


V 1.16

Changed: The decimal point and one thousand separator. are now set according to the locale, instead of the US notation.
Changed: BOINC preference, BT Settings->Warnings, decimal point now according to locale, for input and output.
Changed: Tasks view: When double clicking on filtered tasks, only the row with the same application is unfiltered.
Changed: The computer search dialog is now in separate thread, so it doesn't lock the entire program.
Changed: Credit Graphic: Projects/Computers > 20 reuse the colors and use dot/dash lines.
Changed: Credit Graphic: Uses expanded box mode, if computers > 10. This is user definable by a check box also.
Changed: BT settings, tasks: Disabling column, Project, Application, Name and Computer, the column isn't removed, but the width is set to 0.
Changed: Debt dialog is disabled for BOINC > V 6.13.x .
Changed: Messages filter rewritten.
Changed: Removed /Debug argument. BT now logs the startup in the /log folder: BoincTasks Startup.log.
Fixed: A crash, on a right click  in a blank area of any of the views.


V 1.17

Add: Notices, For every notice, list all computers that have this notice. In template: __InsertNoticeComputers__
Add: Startup argument /show, used by the installer.
Add: Projects view, column venue, Tasks a day/week. Including the Settings dialog.
Changed: A more efficient way to read tasks from the BOINC client (parser). Considerable less overhead on reading the History.
Changed: All views: A optional skin, using a small gradient and two darker lines.
Changed: Installer WWW no longer checked.
Changed: Installer uses arg /show.
Changed: Project properties: Don't show debt for V 7. Show venue, backoff times only when GPU present.
Changed: Task properties: Removed all fixed arrays, the selection is now limitless.
Changed: Selection Yes/No dialog now accepts a limitless number of selections.
Changed: Invalid time string from ?? to -- .
Changed: Removed unused focus rectangle in Computer and Messages.
Fixed: Memory leak in project properties.
Fixed: Messages view: The alternative striping was always on.
Fixed: A potential crash while writing the debug log at startup, sometimes the file system doesn't allow BoincTasks to write to the log.
Fixed: History: Should not show 20000 status.


V 1.18

Add: Tasks Graphic: "Average" check box.
Add: Tasks Graphic: "Expand selection box" mode.
Changed: The default bar outline color, is gray instead of black.
Changed: Credit Graphic: "Expand selection box" now dynamic, instead of the need for a restart.
Changed: Temperature reading, now stays valid longer, for (3->) 10 refresh intervals.
Changed: 2 different skins.
Fixed: All percentage bars showed 100%.
Fixed: BOINC preferences -> any number above 999, was truncated the next time around, at the one thousand separator.


V 1.19

Add: TThrottle remote control.  Show->TThrottle. Need TThrottle V 5.00.
Add: History color for missed.
Add: TThrottle password. For all data transfer between TThrottle and BoincTasks.
Changed: Tasks view: A double click with the left Ctrl key pressed will release or set all filters on a selected filter group.
Changed: Settings dialog: Removed the one thousand indicator as this can mess up numbers like 1.000,12.
Fixed: Reading the computer.xml file was size limited, resulting in a maximum number of computes stored, of around 190.
Fixed: The icon message wasn't always updated.
Fixed:  A double click on another group, when a group is already unfiltered, close the other one and apply the filter to the new one.
Fixed: A double click on a group "Suspended by user", released the filter for all applications, instead of one.
Fixed: Tasks a day / week showed all projects, instead of one.
Fixed: Using the work regulator restores BOINC setting to the default value.


V 1.20

A quick bug fix. A Serious startup problem on some computers.

Changed: Added seconds to the crash dump files .dmp. A cascade error can cause a rapid dmp file creation, preventing the maximum counter of 10 to take effect.
Changed: Added sum to icon message, like 2,4,3,6 =15.
Fixed: (Serious) Removing all computers, may cause a cascade error. Probably introduced in V 1.13.


V 1.21

Add: Color for missed Gpu.
Add: Extra tab "Exclusive applications" in BOINC preferences. Only active for BOINC V7 (beta).
Add: Log thread ID when trying to connect (<connecting> 1, "Enable debug logging").
Add: If a user switch occurs, the BOINC client will be stopped and restarted when the other user logs in.
Changed: Internal, parser more compatible with V 7. This may cause unexpected problems.
Changed: Projects: Tasks a week now shows 2 digits.
Changed: Projects: Tasks / day / week columns right aligned.
Fixed: The icon isn't blinking while snoozing.


V 1.22

Add: Long term history.
Changed: The menu:  Report all completed tasks, shows the number of tasks that are completed.
Changed: If the history files can't be read, try again 5 seconds later. Give a popup box with a warning.
Changed: If a user request the client to stop, mark the connection as lost. On start, try to reconnect at once.
Changed: On a user switch the client is only started and stopped, if it was started by BT.
Fixed: History file .cvs2 isn't used. It should try cvs, cvs1,cvs2 but it did cvs,cvs1, cvs1.
Fixed: The toolbar operation wasn't always grayed out.


V 1.23

-Add: Backup folder for the short/long history. BoincTasks\history\backup.
-Add: Days to the "Move to long term history", to allow a longer short term history.
-Changed: "Move to long term history" is disabled by default.
-Changed: Delete crash, log and history backup files at startup, after 14, 120 and 14 days.
-Fixed: A crash on some computers related to the history list.


V 1.24

-Add: Toolbar allow: Allow network, Allow CPU/GPU.
-Changed: Computer bar now aligns vertically and shows a vertical scroll bar if needed.
-Changed: Computer bar can be in-place, re-sized horizontally.
-Fixed: Serious: If the long term history, starts deleting items, the long term history can get corrupted.


V 1.25

-Add: Extra intervals in the Temperature graph. (3, 6 hour).
-Add: Menu->Extra  item "Show active tasks", a duplicate from the tasks context menu.
-Add: Graph toolbar: Data transfer (BOINC V7) and long term history.
-Add: Update: Build in download and execute the setup.exe. Optional "old" browser method.
-Changed: Notices: Update now uses the update dialog and build in downloader as the first option.
-Changed: The temperature readings and graph are now TThrottle V 5.40 compatible. (3, 6 hour).
-Changed: The temperature graph, now stores it settings.
-Changed: Icon text: Show the connected computers, even if the computer(s) have no tasks.
-Changed: Don't show a message box if another copy of BT is already running.
-Changed: Use <Shift + click> <Ctrl + Shift + click> <Shift + Home> or <Shift + End> to select a range in the views and graphics.
-Changed: Notices: Notice from BOINC/BoincTasks/TThrottle give an icon alert. Previously: Every time at startup, now: A week after the message is gone
-Fixed: History color tab: no translation for button Missed Gpu.
-Fixed: Dialog BoincTasks colors and fonts: Graphic tab wasn't stored using File->Write color settings.