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BoincTasks cloud login is working again

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Messages - ReBoRnE33

OK... Just implemented the rest of the solution and it seems to be working at the moment, whether this is a permanent fix, it's too early to say. As for the link in my previous post, it's noiw dead. I do however still have the zipfile on another machine should I need to put it back there.

Thanks for the assistance, would still be interested in what caused it to so suddenly break like that though.
OK Fred... Exactly what dump files would you like to see... Even ZIPped, you're looking at over 100MB. Have got my own server, so rather than spending an hour or more uploading the zipfile to some anon page, I'll stick it up at...

Let me know when you're done with them so I can free up the space. Got to go out for a while, so I'll try the rest of your solution when I get back.
08/14/2012, 21:32:58 -- Startup: BoincTasks Version: 1.32
08/14/2012, 21:32:58 -- Set exeption handler
08/14/2012, 21:32:58 -- Read arg:
08/14/2012, 21:32:58 -- Language detection
08/14/2012, 21:32:58 -- Language registry: 0
08/14/2012, 21:32:58 -- Language selected: 0
08/14/2012, 21:32:58 -- GetLanguageFile, unable to open: C:\Program Files\eFMer\BoincTasks\lang\BoincTasks_ENG.btlang08/14/2012, 21:32:58 -- Read translation
08/14/2012, 21:32:58 -- Close translation, OK
08/14/2012, 21:32:58 -- Started logging
08/14/2012, 21:32:58 -- Open translation override
08/14/2012, 21:32:59 -- Close translation override, OK
08/14/2012, 21:32:59 -- User: 2057 (ENG), System: 2057 (ENG), Selected: 0 () Used: 1033 (ENU)
08/14/2012, 21:32:59 -- Mutex is not set
08/14/2012, 21:32:59 -- DeleteFiles in folders:C:\Documents and Settings\Gareth_Lock\Application Data\eFMer\BoincTasks\crash\*.*
08/14/2012, 21:33:04 -- More than 10 crashes in the last 12 hours, aborting........
Check the crash files in C:/Users/username/AppData/Roaming/eFMer/BoincTasks/crash

Keeps dying on startup with this in the log. Tried deleting the crash directory as it suggests without any joy. Tried re-installing without any luck. This is the first time I've had any issues.

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.