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Questions / Re: BoincTasksJS shows 'invali...
Last post by fred - May 09, 2024, 12:55:17 AM
Quote from: Keith Myers on May 08, 2024, 10:36:32 PMDoes Fred even bother to read his HELP forums?
He does, but not as frequently. At the moment I'm busy with other things, in a month or so I should have much more time.
Linux and Mac / Re: BoincTasks unable to show ...
Last post by fred - May 09, 2024, 12:53:57 AM
OK Added to the todo list
Questions / Re: BoincTasksJS shows 'invali...
Last post by Keith Myers - May 08, 2024, 10:36:32 PM
Does Fred even bother to read his HELP forums?
Questions / BoincTasksJS shows 'invalid' f...
Last post by Keith Myers - May 05, 2024, 01:43:02 AM
BoincTasksJS shows 'Invalid' for the time column in Messages tab.

How to fix this?
Questions / New to BoincTasks JS - can't r...
Last post by Keith Myers - May 01, 2024, 10:45:55 PM
Just migrated to JS as the Wine version no longer is functional.

Having issues with the what the layout shows and is not able to sort the way I could with the Windows version.

I can find no way to have Computers list to be sorted so that I have the host that runs BT JS at the top of the list.

Same for keeping the host that runs BT JS to have its Messages at the top of the sort.

Computers are sorted alphabetically and I all I can do with the control key is sort up, down or unsorted.  Unsorted would be the logical choice but I can find no way to rearrange the order to what I need.  Clicking, dragging is not possible it seems.

Looking for some guidance about how to achieve what I used to have on the Windows version.
Linux and Mac / Re: BoincTasks unable to show ...
Last post by Keith Myers - May 01, 2024, 10:36:01 PM
Quote from: fred on May 05, 2023, 02:07:59 PMI checked the Application page
There is no 0.00 app, that I can find to check.
Because my Team uses a custom app via app_info.xml and the app version is not specified.

Beta Testing / Re: Cannot resize Sidebar Comp...
Last post by fred - April 22, 2024, 02:10:39 AM
If you want to enlarge the Computer sidebar, once you see the two arrows click.
The window itself is now enlarged, but the border stays.
Now drag the border with the two arrows where you want it, larger or smaller.
Release the mouse button and you are set.
If the sidebar is still too small, repeat.
It's not optimal, but it's really complicated to change, for something you do maybe only once.

Values are probably stored when you do File Exit, or immediately, I'm not sure.

Beta Testing / Cannot resize Sidebar Computer...
Last post by Jimbocous - April 21, 2024, 05:18:35 AM
This issue has been around for a while, but I didn't see it listed so thought I'd send a ping. Pardon if it has been raised elsewhere. I have duplicated this on 1.78 and 1.93, don't recall if it was an issue before but I believe it was.

In main window select View -> Select Sidebar Computer selection checkbox.
In main window, computers will be listed, but column width may truncate longer computer names.
Attempting to adjust column width interacts with adjusting width of entire window, and results in Computer selection sidebar disappearing entirely. At that point, it is impossible to get the column back.
Closing the main window and reopening it will not restore the missing column. It is necessary to quit  entirely and restart to get the column back and, again it will not be able to be adjusted in width.
Beta Testing / Re: Boinctasks and boinc manag...
Last post by fred - March 31, 2024, 04:09:20 PM
Added to the todo list.
Beta Testing / Boinctasks and boinc manager 8...
Last post by kotenok2000 - March 31, 2024, 01:58:17 PM
Boinctasks shows "download in progress" as "Download error" on boinc manager 8.0.0 beta downloaded from